Page 17 - Plastics News March 2020
P. 17

CompAny news

          TOTAL to build largest Battery-                        Braskem to Use RESIN8

          based Energy storage project in                        Construction Materials for

          France                                                 Facility Expansion

             otal  S.A.  has  launched  a  battery-based  energy    raskem, one of the largest polyolefins producers in
          Tstorage project in Mardyck, at the Flandres Center,  Bthe Americas and leading producers of biopolymers
          in Dunkirk’s port district. With a storage capacity of 25   in the world, announced the use of construction blocks
          megawatt hours (MWh) and output of 25 MW of power, the   containing the Center  for  Regenerative  Design  &
                                                                 Collaboration's (CRDC) RESIN8 post-consumer plastic
                                                                 waste technology in the expansion of Braskem's
                                                                 world-class Innovation and Technology (I&T) Center
                                                                 in Pittsburgh.The Center for Regenerative Design &
                                                                 Collaboration,  based  in  Costa  Rica  with  operations
                                                                 in the U.S. and South Africa, produced the blocks
                                                                 utilized  by  Braskem  at  Fizzano  Brothers  Concrete
                                                                 Products in Philadelphia, integrating a concrete
                                                                 aggregate  replacement  made  from  post-consumer
                                                                 plastic waste. The use of CRDC's RESIN8 blocks creates
                                                                 demand for formerly landfill-bound mixed plastics and
                                                                 diverts plastic waste from otherwise escaping waste
                                                                 collection and going back into the environment. Not
          new lithium-ion energy storage system will be the largest   only do the blocks have additional strength and the
          in France. It will be used to provide fast reserve services   same  certifications  as  traditional  concrete  blocks,
          to support the stability of the French power grid. It is   but they also weigh less, which helps reduce their
          part of government policy to support the development   carbon impact and lowers the cost of shipping in the
                                                                 transportation process. "We are proud to be the first
          of electrical capacity through capacity mechanisms.    to use CRDC's RESIN8 blocks in North America. As part
          Scheduled for commissioning in late 2020, the new      of our unending commitment to a circular economy,
          storage system, which represents an investment of around   Braskem believes that when plastics are used and
          €15 million, will be based on Saft’s (www.saftbatteries.  discarded responsibly, they are essential for the life of
          com) Intensium Max 20 High Energy solution and will
          comprise 11 integrated 2.3-MWh containers, designed and
          manufactured at Saft’s production site in Bordeaux. “This
          project is part of Total’s strategy to develop the stationary
          energy storage solutions that are critical to the expansion
          of renewable energy, which is intermittent by nature. It
          will contribute toward the goal of increasing the share
          of renewables in France’s energy mix, while helping to
          stabilize the domestic power grid,” says Patrick Pouyanné,
          chairman and CEO of Total. “Total’s involvement in the
          electricity  segment  continues  to  expand.  With  more   our planet," said Mark Nikolich, Braskem America CEO,
          than 40% of the storage capacities allocated, Total was   in a statement. "Innovations in plastics recycling such
          the leading winner of the first call for tenders organized   as this are important for the proper management of
          by RTE (France’s Electricity Transmission Network). This   plastic waste, which allows us to continue leveraging
          success was made possible thanks to the competencies   the benefits of plastics while diverting these materials
          of Total Flex, renewable energy aggregation expert, and   from the environment. We are excited to have a partner
          Saft, the European leader in batteries for energy storage”.  like CRDC that is innovating with plastic waste.

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