Page 14 - Plastics News March 2020
P. 14

                  AipmA At work

                                                                                                       E S   F  R  VI
                                                                                                       O   S AIPMA
                                                                                                      A  R
                                                                                                      E  Y
                                                                                                        5  CE TO THE PLASTIC INDUSTRY
                                                                                                      A  7   -    Years
                                                                                                       1945 to 2020
                                                                                                      P I A
                                          1 WINNER OF NORTH ZONE
                                      Topic :  IMAGINE A Day Without Plastic
                   “PLASTIC is great, PLASTIC is wonderful,         up with half eyes closed and go to bathroom to
                         It is so obliging and helpful,             refresh us, the Plastic Toothbrush greets us GOOD
                     PLASTIC is a miracle, it is colorful”.         MORNING. After that buzzy brush, it's the time
                                                                    for that silly plastic bucket and mug to give us a
              ●   Sometimes some exceptional things enter in our    reinvigorating bath. After this, there is the turn
                  lives and make a special place in our lives such   of dressing up. Our sweet Plastic comb removes
                  that we cannot even imagine a single day without   tangles from our hairs and make us all set. Hair pins,
                                                                    Hair clips, perfumes and other adoring accessories,
                  These things push down others and settle in place   to b beautify gents and ladies are all made up of
                  of them as well as in our materialistic and hectic   Plastic. Then comes to going about going to schools
                  schedule. These special things very close to us are:   and workplaces.  There  we carry plastic water
                  - PLASTICS, INTERNET and MOBILE PHONES etc.       bottles and lunch boxes to keep us alive. Plastics
              ●   PLASTICS-  this  common  and  special  names  have   spoons, dishes etc. all tell us about the extensive
                  become an indivisible part of our life.           use of plastic. Plastic is used diversely in childern's
                  We  cannot  even  think  of  just  24  hours  to  be   products like school bags, compass boxers, pens,
                  separated with plastic. It has become as important   pencils and plastic toys etc. Our dresses like rain
                  to us as our shelter.  This awesome material has   coats, rainy wear shoes and sports shoes etc. are
                  made our life easy and so comfortable.            made of plastic. Modern Gadgets like televisions,
              ●   PLASTIC-  THE  WONDER  MATERIAL  is  beyond       mixers, grinders, mobiles etc. electrical switches
                  IMAGINATION.                                      and other electrical equipment’s etc., home
                  P- Productive, L- Long Lasting, A- Adhesive,      appliances, furniture, crockery, etc. all most all
                  S- Strong, T-Tensile, I- Insulator,               things are created using plastic.
                  C- Corrosion-resistant                        ●   Our near and dear ones, Plastic bags are ruling us
                  This full form of plastic tells us about its advantages   for almost 50 years.
                  and its diverse uses. Plastics are really very      These colored bags are the most widely used plastic
                  advantageous and obliging to us. They have proved   products. Food packaging is done in them. We carry
                  to  be  Efficacious  to  Indian  economy.  Our  life  is   things in them.
                  incomplete without them as a DIYA is incomplete   ●   So, we can say that PLASTIC is an integral part of
                  without0000000000 BATI.                           our life. It cannot be separated from our life as it
              ●   Our routine is only a perfect one if accomplished   is really a WONDER MATERIAL.
                  by PLASTIC. So her is a small picture of our routine                                    ZOYA
                  fulfilled by PLASTIC: -                                                           Class : X - A
                  In the cool breeze of sweet morning, when we wake                         DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL

                                                          GOLD SPONSOR

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