Page 26 - Plastics News March 2020
P. 26

internAtionAL news

          Abu Dhabi to ban Single-Use                            Ottawa set to declare plastics as

          Plastic By 2021                                        toxic substance

             bu Dhabi (EAD) in the UAE has announced plans to       he federal government intends to designate plastics
          Aban single-use plastic bags in the emirate by next  Tas toxic substances, a move industry stakeholders
          year. The plan involves gradually phasing out the use of   say is unduly aggressive and detrimental to the sector’s
          single-use plastic bags by 2021, as well as encouraging   brand. Listing plastics as toxic under Schedule 1 of
                                    the use of sustainable       the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
                                    alternatives and recycling   will provide the government with the authority to
                                    measures. According  to      regulate and limit certain products.  The Liberals
                                    Gulf News, the new policy    campaigned during the fall election on a promise to
                                    will be implemented in       ban some single-use plastics as early as 2021, as part
                                    collaboration  with  various   of a national strategy to reduce waste and pollution. In
                                    government and private       a minority parliament, it is considered more expedient
                                    stakeholders. It will involve   for the government to use the existing act than to
                                    removing 16 most common      curry multiparty support for new legislation regulating
                                    single-use plastics such as   plastics.Environment and Climate Change Canada
                                    plastic cups, lids, cutlery,   signalled that the government will, indeed, designate
                                    straws,  stirrers  and  food   plastics as toxic. “In order to take concrete regulatory
          containers, which account for the largest share of marine   action to reduce plastic waste and pollution under CEPA,
          waste. Additionally, the scheme will introduce a plastic   substances  must  first  be  added  to  Schedule  1,”  the
          bottle return deposit scheme to remove them from       department said.Bob Masterson, the president and CEO
          circulation.EAD secretary-general Dr Shaikha Salem Al   of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, said
          Dhaheri said: “The launch of the single-use plastics policy
          reflects our steadfast commitment towards transitioning
          to a more sustainable economy that seeks to minimise
          waste and protect vital ecosystems in our environment.
          “By  implementing  this  new  policy, Abu  Dhabi  will  be
          joining more than 127 countries around the world that
          have already  taken  measures  to  ban  or  limit  the  use
          of  disposable plastic materials. “Our  policy  is aligned
          with international standards in order to make Abu Dhabi
          a pioneer in reducing the use of avoidable single-use
          materials by 2021.” Several local environmental groups
          have welcomed the move.Every year, the UAE uses around
          11 billion plastic bags, according to a report presented   he is disappointed the government is poised to go that
                                                                 route. Over the past several months, the association,
          in the World Government Summit in February last year.   whose members include petrochemical companies that
          The figure equates to 1,184 plastic bags per person per   produce plastics, has been urging federal officials to
          year, significantly higher than the global average of 307.   instead amend CEPA’s pollution-prevention provisions or
          Recently, the senate of the US state of New Jersey passed a   introduce standalone legislation.“We’re uncomfortable
          bill banning the use of single-use plastic bags. Reacting to   with the notion that products that are used every
          the new policy, Habiba Al Marashi, chairperson of Emirates   day to keep food safe and sanitary, are going to be
          Environmental Group said “The move to phase out        declared toxic,” he said. “We understand that it’s just
          disposable plastic bags starting with a stringent financial   a designation for rulemaking, but it will be used as a
          levy on its use and a comprehensive bottle return scheme   reason by some campaigners to encourage people to
          is the right move forward towards reducing our excessive   stop using plastics.”
          consumption of disposable plastics in the country.”

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