Page 30 - Plastics News March 2020
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internAtionAL news

         UNIDO, Japan launch study on  UK budget sets out details of

         how to combat plastic pollution                         plastic packaging tax

             he Federal Government of Nigeria, in partnership       K  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer  Rishi  Sunak  has
         Twith the United Nations Industrial Development  Urevealed that the plastic packaging tax will see
         Organization (UNIDO) and the Government of Japan, is    companies paying £200 per tonne of packaging made
         going to study the availability of sustainable alternatives   from less than 30% recycled plastic from April 2022.
         to plastics, and the viability of innovative packaging and   The tax was created to encourage the use of more
         recycling technologies. The study will consider options   recycled plastic. The announcement was delivered as
                                                                 part of Budget 2020, which GOV.UK describes as “the
                                                                 first budget of a new government, the first of a new
                                                                 decade, and the first since the UK’s departure from
                                                                 the European Union (EU). Mr Sunak said: “From April
                                                                 2022, we will charge manufacturers and importers
                                                                 £200 per tonne on packaging made of less than 30%
                                                                 recycled plastic.That will increase the use of recycled
                                                                 plastic in packaging by 40% – equal to carbon savings
                                                                 of nearly 200,000 tonnes.”The Budget 2020 report
                                                                 issued following Sunak’s announcement says: “The
                                                                 government will keep the level of the rate and
         in the context of market needs in Nigeria and Egypt, the   threshold under review to ensure that the tax remains
         two leading plastic litter-generating countries in Africa.   effective in increasing the use of recycled plastic.
         At the inauguration of the project steering committee,   “The government will also extend the scope of the
         Nigeria’s Minister of Environment, Mohammed Mahmood     tax to the importation of filled plastic packaging and
         Abubakar, said, “The plastics industry is very important,   apply a minimum threshold of 10 tonnes of plastic
         as  it  contributes  significantly  to  the  Nigerian  economy   packaging to ensure the smallest businesses are not
         to the tune of more than three hundred billion Naira    disproportionately impacted.”The plastic packaging
         annually, and employs thousands of people. However, the   tax was initially announced in the 2018 Budget and was
         misuse of plastics and poor management of waste pose    brought into consultation in spring 2019.Sunak added
         great dangers to health.”The Federal Minister added,
         “This study could not have come at a more auspicious
         time, considering the fact that plastics and associated
         wastes, particularly micro-plastics and maritime litter,
         are of grave concern and have been brought to the front
         burner of national, regional and international discourse.
         It is against this background that this steering committee
         is being established to provide guidance and assistance
         to the study.” In his address, UNIDO Representative to
         ECOWAS  and  Regional  Director  of  the  Nigeria  Regional
         Office Hub, Jean Bakole,  said, “This study aims to carry
         out an assessment of Nigeria’s infrastructural, human and
         industrial capabilities for embracing new technologies as
         alternatives to plastics, thereby saving our environment.”   that an additional £700,000 will be used to establish
         He  also  thanked  the  Japanese  government  for  proving
         financial support for the study and reaffirmed UNIDO’s   the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme,
         commitment towards supporting Nigeria in achieving      which  will  encourage  producers  to  make  packaging
         inclusive and sustainable industrial development.       more recyclable and reduce unnecessary packaging.

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