Page 47 - Plastics News March 2022
P. 47


         Researcher Develop New Material Forstronger, Lighter and Safer Helmets

                                                                                 ing weight with high energy-absorbing
                                                                                 liquid crystal elastomers (LCEs), which
                                                                                 have been used mainly in actuators and
                                                                                 robotics. During experiments to test the
                                                                                 material's  ability  to  withstand  impact,
                                                                                 it held up against strikes from objects
                                                                                 weighting about four to 15 pounds,
                                                                                 coming at speeds of up to about 22
                                                                                 miles per hour. The tests were limited to
                                                                                 22 miles per hour due to limits of the
                                                                                 testing machines, but the team is con-
                                                                                 fident the padding could safely absorb
                                                                                 even greater impacts. Kang and his team
                                                                                 are exploring a collaboration with a hel-
                                                                                 met company to design, fabricate, and
                                                                                 test next-generation helmets for athletes
             team of researchers, lead by Prof  material offers more protection from a   and the military. The results appeared
          A Dr Sung Hoon Kang at the Hop- wide range of impacts, but being lighter   in the journal Advanced Materials. The
          kins Extreme Materials Institute, USA,  could reduce fuel consumption and the   Johns Hopkins research team also in-
          have created shock-absorbing material  environmental impact of vehicles while   cluded: Lichen Fang, a former graduate
          that protects like a metal, but is lighter,  being  more  comfortable  for  protective   student; Thao (Vicky) Nguyen, a profes-
          stronger,  reusable.  The  new  foam-like  gear wearers."Kang, who is also a fel-  sor of mechanical engineering; Beijun
          material could be a game-changer for  low at the Hopkins Extreme Materials   Shen, a graduate student; Seung-Yeol
          helmets, body armor, and automo- Institute, wanted to create a material   Jeon, a former postdoctoral researcher
          bile and aerospace parts one the best  even more energy-absorbing than cur-  at the Hopkins Extreme Materials In-
          thing to happen in engineering.We are  rent car bumpers and helmet padding.    stitute; and Zeyu Zhu, a former gradu-
          excited about our findings on the ex- He noticed the typical materials used   ate student; and Nicholas A. Traugutt,
          treme energy absorption capability of  for these critical protective devices don't   and Christopher M.  Yakacki, both of
          the new material," said senior author  perform well at higher speeds and of-  the  University  of  Colorado  Denver.
          Sung Hoon Kang,  an assistant  profes- ten aren't reusable.The research team
          sor of mechanical engineering. "The  was able to add strength while reduc-

          Scientists Develop Self-Powered Wearable Device from Recycled Plastics
                                             versity of Surrey. Scientists Dr Bhaskar  net. However, the current internet-of-
                                             Dudem and his team  at University  things (IoT) revolution highlights the
                                             of Surrey have unveiled a wrist device  simple fact that our planet doesn't have
                                             made from discarded paper wipes and  the raw resources to continue to make
                                             plastic cups that runs on energy harvest- these devices which are in such high de-
                                             ed by the wearer's movements. The pro- mand. "Our research demonstrates that
                                             totype device can transmit Morse code,  there is a path to creating sustainable
                                             and the team is now focusing on plans  technology that runs on electricity pow-
                                             to use this technology in smart watches.  ered by us, the users of that technology."
                                             Dr Bhaskar Dudem, project lead and  Surrey's device is 'self-powered' thanks
               earable devices could soon be  Research Fellow at the University of  to materials that become electrically
          Wentirely made of recycled waste  Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute  charged after they come into contact
          materials -- and powered by human  (ATI), said:"It won't be long until we  with one another.
          movement, thanks to a new energy- have to ask ourselves which of the items
          harvesting device developed at the Uni- we own are not connected to the inter-

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