Page 35 - Plastics News May 2018
P. 35


         produced sheets was 1.6 mm. The consolidated plates were    2.3 Methods
         then cut into 5 (wide) × 5 (length) mm2 sections (as pre-
         impregnated pellets) suitable for injection moulding. The   The construction and consolidation quality of the SR-PPCs
         length dimension of these cut pieces determined the length   were examined by reflection light microscopy (Olympus
         of the reinforcing fibres.                                BX51M, Olympus Co., Japan) on polished cross sections of
                                                                   the sheets cut perpendicular to the flow direction.
         For comparison, additive-free and flame retarded ePP (Versify
         4200) compounds with FR (Exolit AP766) contents of 0, 10, and   The  relative density, meaning the ratio between the
         15 w% were produced by melt-compounding using a Labtech   measured and the theoretical density, was determined
         Scientific LTE-26-44 twin-screw extruder (Labtech Engineering   for each type of samples. The density of the specimens
         Co. Ltd. Samutprakarn, Thailand; L/D: 44) (with temperature   (ρs) was obtained from weight measurements in air and
         profile  from  feed  zone  to  die  of  200,  205,  210,  210,  210,   water and calculated according to Equation 1, where ma is
         and 215°C, and screw rotation speed of 70 1/min) to form   the specimen's weight in air, me is the specimen's weight
         non-reinforced elastomer sheets with identical FR contents   in  ethanol,  and  ρe  is  the  density  of  ethanol  at  room
         as those of the equivalent SR-PPCs (with 50% reinforcement   temperature equal to 0.789 g/cm3.
         content and double portion of FR additive in the matrix).                                                 (1)

         Plaque specimens measuring 80 × 80 × 2 mm in dimensions and
         with FR contents of 0, 10, and 15 wt% were injection moulded
         both from the non-reinforced and reinforced (50 wt% fibre   The  theoretical  densities  were  calculated  by  knowing
         containing) granulates with fan gate. The process parameters   the composition of the samples and the densities of the
         are listed in Table 1.                                    components. The density values of the used materials
                                                                   given by the producers are 0.876  g/cm3  for the ePP
         Table 1. Injection moulding parameters                    matrix material (Versify 4200), 0.910  g/cm3  for hPP
                                                                   multifilament, and 1.600 g/cm3 for IFR (Exolit AP 766).
          Injection        Value   Plaque specimens
          moulding                                                 Standard UL94 flammability tests (ASTM D 635 and ASTM D
          parameters                                               3801) were also performed on the composite specimens.
                                                                   UL94 classification is used to determine dripping and flame
          Injection volume  44                                     spreading rates.
          Injection rate   50                                      The FR performance of the prepared samples was
          [cm3/s]                                                  characterized by limiting oxygen index (LOI) measurements
          Switch over      10                                      according to the ASTM D 2863 standard. The LOI value
                                                                   expresses the lowest oxygen to nitrogen ratio where
          point [cm3]                                              specimen combustion is still self-supporting.
          Holding pressure  400
          [bar]                                                    Mass loss type cone calorimeter tests were carried out
                                                                   by  an  instrument  delivered  by  Fire Testing Technology
          Holding time [s]  10
                                                                   Ltd.  (East  Grinstead,  West  Sussex,  United  Kingdom)
          Residual cooling  15                                     using the ASTM E 906 standard method. Specimens
          time [s]                                                 (80 mm × 80 mm × 2 mm) were exposed to a constant
          Screw rotational  15                                     heat flux of 50 kW/m2 and ignited. Heat release values
          speed [m/min]                                            and mass reduction were continuously recorded during
          Back pressure    20                                      burning.
                                                                   Dynamic mechanical analyses  were performed using a
          Decompression    5                                       Q800 dynamic mechanical analyser (DMA, TA Instruments
          volume [cm3/s]                                           Inc., New Castle, DE, USA). Three-point bending mode
          Decompression    5                                       was applied with a span length of 50 mm. The width and
          rate [cm3/s]                                             length of the specimens were 10 mm × 60 mm (cut by
          Temperature of the zones: 120, 125, 130, 135, 140°C;     water  jet  parallel  to  the  flow  direction),  respectively.
          temperature of the mould: 20°C                           The scanning range of temperature was −100°C to 70°C,
                                                                   a heating rate of 5°C/min and a frequency of 1 Hz with a

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