Page 18 - Plastics News May 2019
P. 18



              ÁH[ /WG  LV ODXQFKLQJ WZR HQYLURQPHQWDO LQLWLDWLYHV    alternative industrial fuel  with government support, this
          Uinvesting about 50 million Indian rupees ($700,000) in   could alter the whole scenario," he said.Meanwhile, the
          into oil and gearing up to open a plastics recycling facility.    SODVWLFV UHF\FOLQJ VLWH LQ 1RLGD RU WKH VXUURXQGLQJ DUHD   :H
          Accordingly the company’s  pyrolysis operation, which   have applied with Noida authorities about three months
          has the capacity to process 6 tons a day of waste from   back for building the recycling plant on a 12-acre plot and
          WKH IDFWRU\ V ÀOP DQG SDFNDJLQJ OLQHV  LV LQ OLQH ZLWK WKH   awaiting necessary approvals," Parmar said. Such a plant
          JRYHUQPHQW V 3ODVWLFV :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQW 5XOHV       7KRVH   could be functional in six months once approved, he said.
          rules call for responsible disposal of plastic waste and put   The company is seeking government assistance in setting
                                                producers and   up collection centers for plastic waste.
                                                generators of
                                                such waste
                                                under an         5HOLDQFH¶V ODUJHVW UH¿QHU\ VKXWV
                                                producer         down crude unit for a month
                                                plan. "The
                                                objective is         eliance Industries will shut for up to four weeks a
                                                to make the      R330,000-bpd crude oil processing unit at its 660,000-
                                                Noida site a     ESG  -DPQDJDU  UHÀQHU\   EHJLQQLQJ  LQ  WKH  PLGGOH  RI
          ]HUR  ZDVWH  GLVFKDUJH  SODQW    VDLG  6 6   3DUPDU   8ÁH[ V   June for planned maintenance, Reuters reported on
          VHQLRU YLFH SUHVLGHQW IRU HQHUJ\  8ÁH[ &KDLUPDQ $VKRN   Friday, citing two industry sources with knowledge
          Chaturvedi said it is part of wider environmental plans   of the company’s plans.
          XQGHUZD\ DW WKH ÀUP  +H VDLG WKH FRPSDQ\ V FXVWRPHUV   The company has
          in the fast-moving consumer goods sector are pushing for   already shut some units
          more recyclable or biodegradable packaging. Pyrolysis is   including isomerisation,
          commonly used to convert organic materials into liquid   continuous catalytic
          fuel, gases and solid residue containing carbon black.   reformer and paraxylene
          8ÁH[ VDLG LW SURFHVVHV D PL[WXUH RI    SHUFHQW ELD[LDOO\   units for maintenance at
          RULHQWHG  SRO\SURS\OHQH  ÀOP  DQG      SHUFHQW  SRO\HVWHU   the plant.  The refinery
          ÀOP WR JHQHUDWH    SHUFHQW RLO     SHUFHQW JDV DQG      predominantly supplies
          percent carbon black. "The plant operates on seven lines   UHÀQHG RLO SURGXFWV WR WKH
          and each of the seven boilers requires 3,500 kilograms of   domestic market. Back in
          oil each day," Parmar said. The company said the pyrolysis   January, Reliance Industries carried out maintenance
          operation started in October and produces a fraction of   DW WKH RWKHU FUXGH XQLW DW WKH         ESG UHÀQHU\ DQG
          WKH GDLO\ UHTXLUHPHQW RI RLO HDFK GD\  :KLOH WKH 1RLGD   closed it for four weeks. Reliance’s Jamnagar site is the
          plant generates about 10 tons of laminated waste daily,   ZRUOG·V ODUJHVW UHÀQLQJ KXE  LQ ZKLFK WKH UHÀQHU\ LQ WKH
          only 6 tons are being used for the production of alternate   Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is the sixth largest in the
          IXHOV  8ÁH[ VDLG LW LV WKH ÀUVW ,QGLDQ SODVWLFV SURFHVVRU WR   world with a capacity to process 580,000 bpd of crude
          install a pyrolysis operation inside its compound. Pyrolysis   RLO   7KH UHÀQHU\ DW WKH 6(= ZDV DGGHG LQ      DQG PDGH
          LV  SUHYDOHQW  LQ  WLUH  PDQXIDFWXULQJ  LQ  WKH  FRXQWU\    :H   the Jamnagar complex the world’s largest oil processing
          have been paying for the transportation of the laminated   hub. Last year, Reliance increased the capacity of its
          waste to cement sites, whereas, now we are using it as   H[SRUW RULHQWHG UHÀQHU\ E\    SHUFHQW WR         ESG
          raw material in generating alternative fuel for our own   Last month, The Times of India reported that Saudi
          FRQVXPSWLRQ   3DUPDU VDLG  8ÁH[ ZDQWV WKH JRYHUQPHQW   Arabia’s oil giant Aramco is in “serious discussions” to
          to come up with policies favorable to the waste-to-oil   EX\ XS WR    SHUFHQW RI WKH UHÀQLQJ DQG SHWURFKHPLFDOV
          and other sustainability initiatives. "If oil produced by   businesses of Reliance Industries. In recent years, Saudi
          WKH S\URO\VLV SURFHVV ÀQGV ZLGHVSUHDG DSSOLFDWLRQ DV DQ   Arabia has been pursuing downstream deals in Asia.

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