Page 22 - Plastics News May 2019
P. 22


          DowDuPont is splitting into 3                          Eastman Chemical fined for

          Companies                                              market violation

             owDuPont is the biggest chemical conglomerate in        6 EDVHG  (DVWPDQ  &KHPLFDO  ZDV  ÀQHG      PLOOLRQ
          Dthe world. It generated $86 billion in sales in 2018,  Uyuan (US$ 3.6 million) by Chinese market regulators
          more than any other company on the planet. That’s more   for abusing its dominance in the market for a type of
          than BASF in Germany (about $74 billion in sales), more   DOFRKRO XVHG LQ ODWH[ SDLQWV  DFFRUGLQJ WR DQ RIÀFLDO
          than privately held Sabic in Saudi Arabia (about $33   statement. China’s competition watchdog SAMR made
          billion in chemical sales) and more than Formosa Plastics   a penalty decision, adopted by its Shanghai branch
                                                                 Shanghai Market Regulation Bureau (“SMRB”) on April
                                                                 29, 2019, right before the International Labor Day
                                                                 holiday. This decision is addressed to Eastman (China)
                                                                 Investment Management Co., Ltd. (“Eastman China”),
                                                                 D &KLQHVH VXEVLGLDU\ RI WKH 86 &KHPLFDO ÀUP (DVWPDQ
                                                                 Chemical Company, for restricting transactions by
                                                                 DEXVLQJ LWV GRPLQDQW PDUNHW SRVLWLRQ  7KH ÀQH DPRXQW
                                                                 LV HTXDO WR    RI (DVWPDQ &KLQD·V      VDOHV UHYHQXH
                                                                 roughly USD 3.6 million.In 2013 to 2015, Eastman held
                                                                 a high market share in China for a type of alcohol that
                                                                 clients heavily depended on, it said. But the company
          Group in  Taiwan (about $46 billion sales).But bigger   has “forced” clients to sign exclusive agreement
          isn’t always better.  According to reports DowDuPont is   which limited their choice of products and prevented
          in the process of breaking up into three of the largest   RWKHU ÀUPV IURP HQWHULQJ WKH PDUNHW  6XFK SUDFWLFHV
          chemical companies in the world. Dow will be dedicated   weakened market competition, the regulator said.
          to commodity chemical production, DuPont to specialty   The investigation formally began in August of 2017 by
          chemical production, and Corteva will be dedicated to   the Shanghai market supervision authority, with the
          agricultural chemicals. Sometimes conglomerates work   authorization of the State Administration for Industry
          well because business diversity insulates corporations   and Commerce. As Eastman Chemical violated the
          from the vagaries of the business cycle—one division is
          strong, while another struggles. Another argument for
          conglomerate structures is cash-based.

          &DVK  ÁRZ  IURP  RQH  XQLW  FDQ  EH  XVHG  WR  IXQG  5 '  RU
          capital spending in another division. Others, however,
          all said and done, the biggest change from these deal
          machinations is the combination of the legacy.DuPont
          is the specialty products division of DowDuPont and
          company on June 1, following the separation of Dow Inc.
          that took place April 1. Also, as part of the separation,   clause over the abuse of market dominance, the
          Coreteva Agriscience, the agriculture division, will emerge
          as its own company. DuPont in Michigan will be the second   6KDQJKDL  PDUNHW  VXSHUYLVLRQ  DXWKRULW\  LVVXHG  D  ÀQH
                                                                 of 24.38 million yuan for the violation. incidentally
          largest site in the company's global footprint, with more   eastman will discuss two breakthrough innovations
          than 1,800 employees, said Tim Lacey, DuPont global
          business president for performance building solutions and   (DVWPDQ  7UǟYDŒ  HQJLQHHULQJ  ELRSODVWLF  DQG  &ULVWDO
                                                                 EV600™ copolyester cellulose-based plastic for opaque
          leader of "DuPont North."
                                                                 and color-tinted packaging.

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