Page 3 - Plastics News May 2020
P. 3

Dear Industry friends,

          As you are aware, the impact of COVID-19 outbreak has been widespread – the economic
          impact, impact on business opera ons and our day to day lives. It has emerged as the
          biggest concern, crippling the economy and increasing the risk of recession. These are
          clearly  uncertain   mes,  one  which  requires  expedi ous  redressal  measures  from  the
          Government of India- especially on policy, fiscal and monetary front. AIPMA has always
          been taking efforts in promo ng the industry businesses. These are really difficult  mes
          which nobody ever predicted. However, in order for the plas cs industry to stay afloat and
          survive the on-going crisis, AIPMA never stepped back and only worked harder to make
          urgent requests to the Government of India to take necessary measures & recommend
          suitable sugges ons.

          The corona virus outbreak has sparked economic vola lity in recent weeks. The disrup on
          across businesses is already begun to be felt globally. AIPMA thus began by concentra ng   JAGAT KILLAWALA
          on the issues at hand like Economic Impact of COVID-19 on the plas c industry and also by
         providing  suitable  sugges ons,  AIPMA  suggested  that  the  government  should
         immediately remove all the barriers such as bans/ restric ons on the produc on &
         supply of essen al goods and such plas c items should be declared essen al to facilitate
         its large scale produc on to meet the unprecedented demand, and many more significant
         representa ons have been communicated ahead.

         We  have  been  con nuously  conduc ng  zoom  calls,  sending  our  recommenda ons  &
         sugges ons to the government officials to put forward our demands for the profit of the
         MSME's. Understanding the serious concern of disposal of plas c waste during Covid-19
         and  in  order  to  boost  public  awareness  and  educate  public  about  right  methods  of
         disposing Biomedical waste especially generated from Household amid Covid-19 crisis,
         AIPMA  ran  an  awareness  campaign  through  Social  media,  Whatsapp,  Mass  mails  on
         disposal of Biomedical waste generated from Households.

         Because of the forced closure, the pandemic is rese ng the clock of evolu on and re-
         defining the rules of running any business. In this type of situa on e-learning has emerged
         as the most effec ve op on.  Webinars help us to not be confined only in a room but be able
         to connect with more than 200 people globally. It also helps in involving panellist and
         experts from various fields from all across the globe. AIPMA has been conduc ng daily
         webinars on various topics for the benefit the MSME's. It has given the MSME's a chance to
         seek  insights  from  experts  with  global  experience  into  how  one  can  systema cally  &
         scien fically rewire their en re business to a ain a new normal and a guaranteed brighter

         I hope we come out of this crisis stronger. Wishing good health to one & all!

                                                                            Jagat Killawala

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