Page 14 - Plastics News May 2021
P. 14

CompAny news

          Marico joins Dow and Lucro’s                           TerraCycle and Sanofi launch

          sustainable packaging initiative                       recycling programmes

             onsumer goods company                                  anofi Consumer Healthcare has partnered with US-
          CMarico has joined a                                   Sbased recycling initiative TerraCycle to make its
          su st a in a ble  pa ck a gin g                        product packaging and aerosol containers recyclable.
          partnership led by Dow and                             Two programmes will be introduced to allow customers
          Lucro Plastecycle. In February,                        to recycle empty Gold Bond, Cortizone-10 and Selsun
          Dow  and  Lucro  Plastecycle                           Blue packaging.  The first recycling programme is
          partnered to  develo p                                 for Gold Bond aerosol spray cans. Consumers can
          polyethylene (PE) film solutions                       participate in the programme by signing up online on
          using post-consumer recycled                           TerraCycle. The programme page provides instructions
          (PCR) plastics. Marico’s joining                       on how to ship empty aerosol containers to TerraCycle
          the partnership is expected                            for recycling. The second programme is for other Gold
          to help Dow meet its goal of procuring, reusing or     Bond product packaging, as well as Cortizone-10 and
          recycling 1MMT of plastics by 2030, as well as driving   Selsun Blue packaging. Interested consumers can sign
          the adoption of PCR in sustainable packaging in the Asia   up for the programme on TerraCycle’s non-aerosol page.
          Pacific  region.  Dow  Packaging  and  Speciality  Plastics   Packaging that can be shipped for recycling includes
          Asia Pacific commercial vice-president Bambang Candra   plastic tubes, cartons, tubs, sticks, dark plastic bottles,
          said:  “We  are  pleased  to  welcome  Marico,  a  leading   pumps and caps. The collected packaging and aerosol
          consumer goods company in the health, beauty and       container waste will be melted into hard plastic and
          wellness space, join us in partnership and leading the way   remoulded to make recycled products, including park
          in India by offering circular packaging options through   benches and picnic tables. TerraCycle CEO and founder
          Dow’s innovative resins and Lucro’s expertise as a high   Tom Szaky said: “Skincare is a daily routine we all share.
          quality,  innovative  and  recycled-content  flexible  film   We each have our personal preferences as it relates to
          manufacturer.“This partnership places all the valuable   the brands and products that we use, but we don’t often
          stakeholders along the road to sustainability, with the
          aim to meet market demands for brands seeking to use
          more recycled content in their packaging.” Marico supply
          chain and IT chief operating officer Jitendra Mahajan
          said: “Sustainability is a long-term commitment and a
          way of life at Marico. We are constantly working towards
          making a difference by adopting every possible measure
          that will propel us further along the road to secure a
          sustainable future. “Furthering our ongoing programmes
          towards integrating circularity principles in product
          packaging,  this  partnership  with  Dow  is  significant  as
          it enables us to use PCR resin, which helps reduce our   consider what happens to the packaging once all the
          carbon  footprint.”  “We  have  always  been  passionate   product is gone.“With the Gold Bond, Cortizone-10 and
          advocates for recycling post-consumer waste and believe   Selsun Blue recycling programme, along with the Gold
          that there is a lot of value that can be derived from it,”   Bond aerosol recycling programme, Sanofi Consumer
          said Ujwal Desai, co-founder and managing director of   Healthcare  has  considered  the  end-of-life  options
          Lucro. “Collectively we are looking forward to supporting   for their packaging and partnered with TerraCycle to
          brands owners in meeting their sustainability goals    ensure  that  it  never  sees  landfill.”  Participants  can
          through the development of PCR-based sustainable       earn points for every shipment of waste they send to
          packaging solutions.”                                  TerraCycle through the programmes.

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