Page 9 - Plastics News May 2024
P. 9

Greetings from AIPMA!
          The International Negotiating Committee (INC) which was formed by the United Nations Environ-
          Programme (UNEP) in March 2022 recently organised fourth session, INC-4 to develop an inter-
          national legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, took
          place from 23 to 29 April 2024 at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Canada. The session was preceded
          by regional consultations on 21 April 2024.
          More than 2,500 delegates participated in INC-4, representing 170 Members and over 480 observ-
          er organizations including - non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations,
          and UN entities. INC-4 marked the Committee's largest and most inclusive gathering to date, with
          observer participation increasing by almost fifty

          The Committee decided to conduct intersessional work in preparation for INC-5, which will be held
          in December in Busan, Korea. Two open-ended, ad hoc, intersessional expert groups were formed:

          The expert group co-chaired by Axel Borchmann of Germany, Gwen Sisior of Palau, and Luay al
          Mauqtar of Iraq. Examine, criteria-based and non-criteria-based approaches to plastic products,
          chemicals of concern in plastic products, and product design focusing on recyclability and reus-
          ability of plastic products considering their uses and applications.
          The second expert group co-chaired by Kate Lynch of Australia and Oliver Boachie of Ghana. This
          group is to develop an analysis of potential sources and that could be mobilized for implemen-
          tation of the objectives of the instrument including options for the establishment of a financial
          mechanism, alignment of financial flows, and catalysing finance.

          The committee asked the secretariat to arrange an in-person meeting for the expert groups prior
          to INC-5, to discuss upon financial resources being available.

          The Committee made the decision to form an open-ended legal drafting group. The group will
          provide a legal review of the draft text and will start working at INC-5. It will be made up of two
          Co-Chairs nominated by the INC and legal experts designated by Member States.
          The Sub-Groups at INC-4 submitted a proposal for a compilation document containing the five
          non-papers, which the Committee approved. The INC Secretariat will release a compilation docu-
          ment that preserves placeholders for future annexes while standardizing layout and making cor-
          rections without significantly altering the content. The negotiations at INC-5 will begin with this
          compilation document.
          The Bridge to Busan Declaration on basic Plastic Polymers was introduced by 28 Member States.
          Stakeholders and interested Member States are invited to sign the Declaration in support of this
          call to action on basic plastic polymers. As the INC approaches its final meeting in November
          2024, delegates and observers are uncertain if they can overcome the hurdles and reach a con-
          sensus to combat plastic pollution effectively.
                                                                               Rajiv B. Tolat
                                                                                  Hon. Editor

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