Page 44 - Plastics News November 2017
P. 44


          Amcor, P&G, APR honored for                            Henkel joins Plastic Bank

          plastics recycling                                     recycling effort in US

            trade group and two                                      fficials at Plastic Bank – a Vancouver-based for-
         A companies  are  being                                  Oprofit social enterprise, are forging major business
         recognized by the Plastics                               partnerships, getting props from the United Nations
         division of the  American                                and preparing for a Vatican visit as their programs to
         Chemistry Council for their                              stem the tide of ocean-bound plastic spread beyond
         work when it comes to plastics                           the shores of Haiti and the Philippines. The Vancouver-
         recycling.                                               based for-profit social enterprise pays poor people to
         The Innovation in Plastics                               pick up plastic from waterways, canals, beaches and
         Recycling Awards for 2017 are                            other access points to oceans. They redeem the items
         going to Amcor, the Association                          at collection centers for money, goods and services like
         of Plastic Recyclers and Procter & Gamble, the ACC said.  cooking fuel and phone charging. Then partners on the
         The winners were announced on Nov. 15, America Recycles   ground sort, wash and reduce the plastic to flake for
         Day. Amcor, the packaging giant, is being recognized for   easy shipping to manufacturers, including Germany-
         creation of a mono-material plastic pouch that contains   based Henkel AG & Co. The maker of home, laundry
         20 percent post-consumer recycled content.               and personal care products like Loctite adhesive and
         "Amcor notes that the pouch itself can be recycled along   Persil detergent announced it is forming a strategic
         with other mono-material plastic bags and product        partnership with Plastic Bank to become a leader in
         overwraps  at  drop-off  locations  across  the  U.S.  The   sustainability.
         pouch features the How2Recycle label, which educates     David Katz, founder of Plastic Bank, lauded Henkel
         consumers about how to recycle various packaging         for becoming the first major consumer goods company
         materials, including plastics. The latest company to use   to be a strategic partner. He said the manufacturer
         Amcor's innovative pouch is Method," according to ACC.   will pay a premium for "social plastic" to use in
         APR is being honored for its newly created Recycling     packaging while it not only meets sustainability
         Demand Champions Campaign that encourages companies      goals  but  improves  thousands  of  lives.The plastic
         to use durable products such as crates, totes and pallets   collectors often put their redemption income toward
         that have recycled content. The new program, started
         just this fall, already has seen more than 10 companies
         agree to participate in the campaign.
         And P&G is being recognized for its work with PureCycle
         Technologies  "to  develop  a  recycling  technology  that
         produces high-quality recycled polypropylene, increasing
         the variety of end-market applications for the material,"
         ACC states. P&G will use the recycled PP and make it
         available to other companies through PureCycle.
         "This year's award recipients are doing critical work to
         help support and grow domestic end markets for recycled
         plastics," said Craig Cookson, senior director of recycling   school tuition, which brings educational and career
         and  energy  recovery  for ACC,  in  a  statement.  "The   opportunities. Katz says Plastic Bank addresses the
         honorees are leaders in innovation, helping to ensure that   root cause of ocean plastic while easing global poverty.
         valuable recycled plastics are being kept out of landfills
         and used in new products." The awards are designed to    In  another  new  effort,  Henkel  and  Shell  Oil  are
         "recognize companies, nonprofits, and government bodies   participating in plastic off-set programs like those
         that successfully bring new technologies, products, and   used to reduce carbon footprint, Katz said. For its
         initiatives to communities and the marketplace, which    part, Shell has committed to fund the collection of 1
         demonstrate significant innovations in plastics recycling,"   million kilograms (2.2 million pounds) of ocean-bound
         according to ACC.                                        plastic and then to use the flake.

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