Page 72 - Plastics News November 2018
P. 72
in the news
FMCG brands, Dairies, Beverages to develop buyback mechanism
round 34 FMCG brands and 22 dairies that use multi-layer around 150 tons since the boycott. MSMEs in the state will
Aplastic packaging for their products, along with five likewise help gather around 120 tons of plastic waste in 15
to six water/beverage bottling units, have finally joined areas. “The PET bundling relationship for clean condition
hands to create their own buyback and and collection has made a PRO arrangement with the assistance of seven
system in the Mumbai metropolitan region to be fed by container makers.”
over 5,000 ragpickers and scrap dealers. By appointing four
agencies as their producer responsibility organizations
(PROs), these brands promise a 400-crore plastic collection NGT orders to check waste
and recycling industry in Maharashtra by 2021. the CEOs management
of the primary organizations and industry pioneers
as of late assembled a
gathering to examine n order to tackle the problem of waste management
broadened maker duty Iin respect to the industries involved in manufacture of
(EPR) in the accumulation plastic products, the NGT ordered for the appointment
of bundled plastic waste of a committee of Central Pollution Control Board and
and reusing.“Under Delhi Pollution Control Committee vide its order dated
EPR, in excess of 60 September 18, 2018. An application had been made
noteworthy brands have to the NGT regarding
been created to build up the pollution being
a gathering and reusing caused by the plastic
instrument for their industry making shoe
plastic bundling utilized soles and other plastic
through four noteworthy specialist organizations: IPCA, goods such as rexine,
NEPRA, SHAKTI and SWaCH. Expert to make a system of adhesive and other
ragpickers, build up the gathering of plastic waste and highly inflammable
isolation focuses, and transport them to the plants for items in Narela and
reusing and transfer through dry-accumulation dumps, Bawana area. The increased reliance on plastics has
“said E Ravendiran, secretary of the Board of Directors. caused detrimental impact on their improper disposal.
Contamination Control of Maharashtra (MPCB). “IPCA just Owing to their chemical composition, plastics are
has 80 accumulation and isolation focuses in Mumbai and resistant to the natural process of degradation and
Thane, where the recyclers will gather plastic things accumulate in the environment thus polluting the
that will at that point be taken to their dry accumulation same It was contended that flouting the pollution and
focus in Bhiwandi.”The author and executive of IPCA, waste management norms, the industrialists were not
Ashish Jain, said that from the focal point of Bhiwandi, disposing their industrial wastes properly creating
the multi-layer plastic (MLP) will be taken to the Ambuja problem to residents and the environment thus being
industrial facility in Chandrapur, where it will be utilized a health hazard. With the objective of strengthening
as fuel for heaters and boilers. the regime of the environmental protection laws,
the NGT has ordered for taking appropriate action
IPCA intends to convey the aggregate MLP accumulation by the establishment of a committee for dealing
to in excess of 8,500 tons in a year or two. MPCB with the problems caused by the environmental
(headquarters) local authority Nandkumar Gurav said that pollution due to plastic wastes. The report of the said
the 22 drain brands, including Gokul, Amul, Warna, Chitale committee shall be taken into consideration by the
and Mahanand, have made a plastic waste accumulation NGT while deliberating and concluding its decision on
component by naming a PRO. “We anticipate that the the industrialists involved in improper plastic waste
reusing chain will be enhanced in half a month,” Gurav management. The NGT has also reinforced the fact
stated, including that NEPRA has effectively gathered in that its orders have to be binding as a decree of court
excess of 1,000 tons of MLP. ‘ Gurav said that PepsiCo has making the parties liable for their deeds and subject
gathered in excess of 375 tons of plastic waste and Bisleri them to punitive action in event of non-compliance.
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