Page 28 - Plastics News November 2020
P. 28

Manufacturers Must Tackle “Skills Gap Crisis”

         World over a growing number of manufacturing roles are
         being left vacant, but employers are struggling to recruit
         candidates to fill them
         As companies around the country get back to work, it's
         no secret that the pandemic has changed both the way
         they seek to attract new talent and the interview/on-
         boarding process.
         Health and safety regulations worldwide are becoming
         more  stringent  and  the  fines  more  costly.  To  deliver
         better  performance  and  drive  innovation,  many
         manufacturers need to adopt new technology and adapt
         to  shifting  global  supply  chains.  Moreover  with  an
         increasingly aging workforce, many firms are facing a
         critical skills gap.
                                                                 employee development, potentially contributing to high
         To  meet  these  challenges,  manufacturers  need  their   staff turnover levels.
         people to adapt, learn new skills and meet compliance
                                                                 Lack  of  diversity:  The  impression  that  manufacturing
         requirements. Their people need to be trained and then   employers  do  not  nurture  diversity  could  be  putting
         properly assessed, to make sure that training has been   people, particularly, young people off from entering the
         With robust assessments of their people, manufactures
                                                                 According to experts, when employees don't have the
         will get the data they need to make informed decisions   skills  they  need,  quality  suffers.  Manufacturers  are
         about their workforce and their business.
                                                                 unable  to  take  advantage  of  new  opportunities  and
         World over a growing number of manufacturing roles are   health and safety is also put at risk. Assessments of the
         being left vacant, but employers are struggling to recruit   workforce will help employers understand the extent of
         candidates to fill them. At the same time, many current   the  skills  gap  among  their  staff.  Armed  with  this
         workers fear their skill sets will be largely redundant by   information, they can make better decisions on training,
         2025.                                                   recruitment and personal development.
         This growing skills crisis could prevent manufacturers   Through  online  assessments,  employers  can  gather
         from taking advantage of new opportunities. It also has   robust information on strengths and weaknesses across
         an impact on the quality of production and raises the risk   the workforce. They can introduce training and support
         of health and safety breaches, with employees failing to   and  ensure  that  team  members  understand  the
         follow procedure.                                       procedures  they  must  follow.  By  testing  candidates
         The white paper identifies seven challenges across the   before  making  the  decision  to  hire  them,  they  can
         industry:                                               ensure new starters have the skills they need to make a
                                                                 valuable contribution.
         Recruiting  people  with  the  right  skills:  According  to
         recruitment  consultants,  some  63%  of  manufacturing   As companies around the country get back to work, it's
         hirers noted a skills shortage as the biggest recruitment   no secret that the pandemic has changed both the way
         problem.                                                they seek to attract new talent and the interview/on-
                                                                 boarding process.
         Outdated skills among the existing workforce: A study by
         Capgemini showed that 37% of manufacturing workers      Recruiting and hiring good talent can be difficult even in
         believe their skill set will be redundant in the next five   normal times, but it is even more challenging now. For
         years.                                                  example, many companies are still working remotely,
                                                                 and  we  hear  many  stories  of  hiring  and  on-boarding
         High  staff  turnover:  Research  by  training  providers
                                                                 taking  place  completely  virtually.  This  change  in
         Tooling-U SME shows that 43% of manufacturers have an   dynamics  calls  for  a  re-examination  of  the  sourcing,
         annual staff turnover rate of at least 20%.
                                                                 hiring and on-boarding process to ensure that businesses
         Human error: Over 80% of errors in the manufacturing    can get the talent they need in order to return to some
         process  are  caused  by  human  error.  This  creates   sense of normalcy as we continue to navigate COVID-19.
         problems with quality and for health and safety.
                                                                 The  best  way  to  prepare  for  a  modern  and  effective
         Lack  of  effective  personal  development:  Just  36%  of   hiring process is to take a good look at your existing
         manufacturing  employers  set  aside  a  budget  for

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