Page 33 - Plastics News November 2020
P. 33

1 to 2 million tons of US plastic trash goes astray    Auckland Council supports phase-out of single-
                                                                 use plastics
              study in the journal Science Advances found that
          Abetween  1.2  million  and  2.5  million  tons  (1.1
                                                                     uckland  Council  has  expressed  support  for  the
          million to 2.2 million metric tons) of plastic generated
                                                                 Aproposal  of  phasing-out  single-use  plastics,
          in the U.S. were dropped on land, rivers, lakes and
                                                                 especially those that are cheap and hard to recycle.
          oceans  as  litter,  were  illegally  dumped  or  shipped
                                                                 The  opinion  follows  a  report  that  provided
          abroad then not properly disposed of.  According to the
                                                                 recommendations  on  opportunities  to  standardise
          article in the   study The United States' contribution of
                                                                 domestic kerbside collections of waste in New Zealand.
          plastic waste to land and ocean; high-income countries
                                                                 WasteMINZ  prepared  the  report  for  the  country's
          such as the United States and members of the European
                                                                 Ministry for the Environment. Environment and Climate
          Union (EU-28) also had large plastic emissions to the
                                                                 Change Committee chair Councillor Richard Hills said:
                                                                 “There are plenty of viable materials, including higher-
                                                                 quality plastics that can easily be substituted for these
                                                                 single-use items. Avoiding waste in the first place is far
                                                                 better than relying on recycling.” In August, the New
                                                                 Zealand Government also proposed the phase-out of
                                                                 seven  single-use  plastic  items.  The  items  include
                                                                 plastic  cotton-buds,  drink  stirrers,  plastic  plates,
                                                                 bowls,  cutlery,  single-use  cups  and  lids,  single-use
                                                                 produce bags, non-compostable produce stickers and
          ocean in 2010, according to Jambeck et al. (hereafter   plastic straws. Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said: “When
          “2010  analysis”).  Despite  having  robust  waste
          management  systems,  the  large  coastal  populations
          and  very  high  per  capita  waste  generation  rates  in
          these high-income countries together resulted in large
          amounts  of  mismanaged  waste  due  only  to  litter
          (estimated 2% of waste generation) that is available to
          enter the ocean. According to the 2010 analysis, the
          U.S. coastal population generated the highest mass of
          plastic waste of any country (13.8 Mt, 112.9 million
          people),  whereas  coastal  populations  in  EU-28
          countries  collectively  produced  even  more  plastic
          waste (14.8 Mt, 187.3 million people). The next highest
                                                                 cheap  plastics  are  used  in  manufacturing,  our
          country in coastal plastic waste generation was China
                                                                 environment pays the price. “As we saw with the ban on
          (11.6 Mt per day, 262.9 million people). Further, the
                                                                 single-use plastic bags, consumers are ready for better
          United States is the second largest exporter of plastic
                                                                 alternatives, and by consulting on these changes, we
          scrap  globally.  If  imported  material  is  not  properly
                                                                 can work together to eliminate waste. Plastic is less
          managed  in  the  receiving  country,  environmental
                                                                 than 6% of the annual kerbside recycling in Auckland.
          inputs of plastic waste generated in the United States
                                                                 “We are upgrading Auckland Council's recycling facility
          may be much higher than previously assessed. From
                                                                 now in tandem with New Zealand plastic plants who are
         2010 to 2016, global plastic production increased 26%
                                                                 modernising  to  process  more  plastic  recyclables
         from 334 to 422 Mt and the proportion of plastics in
         solid waste grew from 10 to 12% globally, reaching 242   onshore. But, eliminating single-use plastics altogether
         Mt in 2016.                                             is still preferable to recycling them.”

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