Page 25 - Plastics News November 2021
P. 25
Healthcare Plastics Waste Recycling
Hospitals generate various kinds of wastes from wards, operation theatres and outpa-
tient areas and there is very good potential in recycling healthcare / medical plastics
particularly commonly used materials like PVC.
Dr. D. L. Pandya
Editor & CEO, Medical Plastics Data Service
40%) of plastic scrap generated at US
hospitals is sterilisation wrap. Another
25% comprises other types of flexible
non-woven and film packaging, while
19% represents paper, roughly 10% are
rigid plastics. Around 5% is a mix of
glass, metal, and foil.
The fact is that a lot of materials are
incinerated or landfilled without reason.
It is estimated that the ‘vast majority’
of that medical plastic waste – up to
85% – is non-infectious. Overall, it is
believed that 1 million tons of clean,
non-infectious healthcare plastics is
ecycling PVC diverts waste and with respect to improper disposal of generated at healthcare facilities nation-
Ruseful resources from landfill and bio-medical waste management are wide every year.
reduces the consumption of energy spread of infection and disease among As per an international expert,
feedstock in the production of new medical and / or non-medical personnel, environmentally minded staff in hospitals
products. It can also lead topositive unauthorized recycling and increased have been the primary driving force in the
environmental outcomes like Reduced toxic emissions. successful implementation of recycling
Energy and Reduced Carbon Footprint Share of Hospital General Waste: systems. However, the entire supply
along with Reducing Waste Management Plastics does make a significant share in chain has a role to play. That begins with
Costs as well as Supporting Jobs and the day-to-day hospital general waste. the medical device manufacturer, who
Manufacturing. There is an almost endless supply of should keep end-of-life issues in mind
Medical care is vital for our life, health disposable plastic materials in a typical when designing devices, and extends
and well-being. But the waste generated health care facility. 85 percent of the to hospital purchasers and healthcare
from medical activities can be hazardous, plastic waste generated is non-hazardous, professionals, who are doing the actual
toxic and even lethal because of their meaning free from patient contact and sorting, and to the recycler and converter,
high potential for diseases transmission. contamination. It is estimated that who are going to buy the recyclate and
The management of Health-care waste is between 20 and 25 percent of such waste make new products.
an integral part of a national health-care could be attributed to plastic packaging While there is no organized information
system. Hospitals generate various kinds and products. about the healthcare waste scenario in
of wastes from wards, operation theatres India, it is also likely to be similar.
and outpatient areas. These wastes include Global Scenario:
bandages, cotton, soiled linen, body parts, Healthcare facilities across America Good Potential for Recycling:
sharps(needle, syringes etc), medicines generate around 14 000 tons of waste There is very good potential in recycling
(discarded or expired), laboratory wastes per day. Up to 25% of this is made up healthcare / medical plastics particularly
etc which carry infection and should be of plastic products such as packaging. commonly used materials like PVC. It is
properly collected, segregated, stored, The US Healthcare Plastics Recycling found that PVC medical products can
transported, treated and disposed. Council has created a detailed guidance be separated relatively easily by hospital
document to help boost recycling rates staff. Recycling PVC diverts waste and
Environmental Concerns: of commonly binned medical waste. useful resources from landfill and reduces
The main environmental concerns By weight, almost 5 million pounds (or the consumption of energy feedstock