Page 40 - Plastics News November 2021
P. 40
Lobbyists Reports US Federal Recycling Scotland To Ban
Proposals Likely To Be Held Up Plastic Straws PS Food
Boxes From June
the social infrastructure
bill must go through
a “reconciliation” he sale of plastic straws, cutlery
voting process with Tand polystyrene cups and food
the support of every boxes is to be banned in Scotland
D e m oc rat . T he next year as part of measures to
infrastructure bill reduce waste and pollution. The
includes language that Scottish government said the ban
was previously in the would cover all single-use polystyrene
standalone RECYCLE food containers and their lids, as well
Act. Sponsored by as plastic stirrers, balloon sticks, plates
Republican Sen. Rob and coffee stirrers, and would come
Portman of Ohio, the into force on 1 June 2022.The measures
proposed virgin plastics tax of 20 “Recycling Enhancements to Collection parallel similar bans in force or planned
A cents per pound has been axed from and Yield through Consumer Learning around the UK, and it expected to lead
the Democrats’ social infrastructure bill, and Education” (RECYCLE) Act creates to a boom in compostable and paper-
according to an industry lobbying firm. a grants program through the U.S. based packaging. However, there are
Bracewell Policy Resolution Group, EPA to fund recycling education and doubts about how effective it will be
the firm that the Association of Plastic outreach, directs the EPA to develop a for SUP plastic straws, cotton buds
Recyclers (APR) contracts to lobby in model recycling toolkit, and requires the and drink stirrers were banned in
Washington, D.C., last week gave an agency to more frequently revise federal England in 2020 the ban is yet not and
update on legislation moving through procurement guidelines for recycled- UK government is consulting but no
Congress. The update came during content products. A more controversial target date has been given. Because of
APR’s October virtual meeting (other proposal, a federal excise tax on virgin the delay, Scottish ministers fear their
experts spoke on the impacts of bills plastics used in single-use products, measures could be undermined Lorna
that passed in three West Coast states). appears to have fallen by the wayside. Slater, a Scottish Green party minister,
According to reports the session held Some Democrats had been pushing to
on October 26 included a presentation include the tax in the social infrastructure
from Yasmin Nelson, a senior principal bill.“I’ve spoken with a few folks on the
in the policy resolution group. Prior Finance Committee and the Ways and
to joining the firm, Nelson worked in Means Committee and they’ve shared
the office of then-Sen. Kamala Harris that although this was something that was
as an economic policy advisor. Nelson initially, or I should say among, many of
told APR members that Democrats in the ‘pay fors’ that they shared out there,
Congress are working on two related bills: this is not something that they’re looking
an infrastructure bill that funds traditional to actually do,” Nelson said.Bracewell is
“hard” infrastructure such as roads, continuing to monitor updates to the
bridges, the power grid, and airports; and social infrastructure bill, but “right now, said that because there was no similar
a social/care infrastructure bill that funds this is off the table,” she said. Also filed action in England, Scotland’s ban
items such as childcare, home care, the as a standalone bill, the proposal from could be sidestepped by people buying
child tax credit, affordable housing, and Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of or moving single-use plastics from
education. The first has already passed Rhode Island would levy a fee of 20 cents England. Slater is writing to ministers
the Senate, but progressives in the House per pound in 2024. Another controversial in Westminster to see whether the
of Representatives are holding it up bill Break Free From Plastic Pollution UK-wide measures would be changed
because they also want Senate passage of Act is not currently included in the social to ensure Scotland is able to enforce
the second, Nelson said. In order to pass, infrastructure legislation. its policies.