Page 38 - Plastics News November 2021
P. 38
Korea, Germany Share Circular Economy US PE T Bottle
Vision R ecy cling R at e
Continues To Sink
e mand
inc re as e d
10% in 2020,
but it w as
by a decrease
in PET bottle
c olle c t ion,
according to
ith increased interest in a circular of innovation complement each other. an annual report from the National
Weconomy, as discussed at the This conference provides a valuable Association for PET Container
2021 United Nations Climate Change opportunity for both countries to share Resources. The report found PET
Conference (COP26), the German their experiences and discuss strategies bottles notched a 26.6% recycling
Embassy in Korea and the Korean- on circular economy." KGCCI President rate in the U.S. in 2020, down from
German Chamber of Commerce & CEO Martin Henkelmann noted 27.9% in 2019 and 28.9% in 2018.
(KGCCI) held a conference discussing that this is the perfect time to discuss The drop was due to a decline in
policies, strategies and practices for a the circular economy in Germany and U.S. PET bottle collection, which
circular economy in Germany and Korea. Korea, as usage and disposal of plastic fell by 2.3% by weight, according to
A circular economy is a sustainable has increased significantly in recent years. NAPCOR. The recycling rate decrease
production and consumption model In the first session, Yoo Yong-ho, deputy came despite substantial demand
which offers a way to fight global director of Resources Circulation Policy increase, which the association tied
climate change and reduce carbon Division from the Korean Ministry to brand owner commitments.The
emissions.Michael Reiffenstuel, German of Environment, explained Korea's report estimated a North American
ambassador to Korea, emphasized the circular economy plan, which aims to bottle recycling rate of 33.9%, down
importance of a circular economy as a way ensure quality of life while pursuing from 35% in 2019. That figure takes
to sustainable management of resources, sustainable economic growth through into account bottle recycling in the
in the opening remarks."Managing waste improvement of resource efficiency. U.S., Canada and Mexico, according
is not just about waste disposal. Waste is Andreas Jaron, head of the Circular to NAPCOR. The year also brought
a valuable resource which can be used Economy Division at Germany's Federal a shift in the major end markets for
effectively to conserve natural resources, Ministry of the Environment, Nature RPET. Bottle categories, both food/
protect our environment and our Conservation and Nuclear Safety, gave a beverage and non-food/beverage,
climate," Reiffenstuel said, mentioning briefing on German waste management. grew by 32% year over year. It was the
there are 832 different types of waste, Jaron noted that a circular economy first time bottles have surpassed fiber
from paper and electrical equipment to has the goal of using resources as as the largest end market for post-
construction and plant waste. "Korea efficiently as possible. "In the past, consumer PET bottles, according to
and Germany share many similarities: circular economy was waste management NAPCOR.“This continued increase of
we both are highly industrialized, more or less with implications to the postconsumer RPET usage in bottles
export-oriented nations with a focus on whole economy, but now it's the efficient and jars is encouraging, and points
manufacturing; we both have an interest use of resources at each stage of the to a commitment toward a circular
in sustainable and affordable supply economy. Circular economy is not one economy by brand owners,” said
of natural resources; and we are both policy, but an umbrella over various areas Tom Busard, chairman of NAPCOR
strongly committed to climate protection. But the principle is to use less resources," and chief procurement officer for
Korean and German expertise and spirit Jaron said. Plastipak Packaging.