Page 46 - Plastic News November 2023
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Plastics Industry Association Unveils NPE2024 Education Program
rogram has been redesigned to Attendees with the Expo Pass regis- Off the show floor, and for the
Paid advancement within the plas- tration will have access to more than first time in its history, NPE will
tics industry. ever before with over 75 education host some of the industry's big-
The Plastics Industry Association sessions located on the show floor in gest and brightest speakers dur-
(PLASTICS) has officially unveiled the all-new Spark Stages. Highlighting ing:
more than 90 Educational Sessions advanced artificial intelligence applica- • Industry briefings featuring
ahead of NPE2024: The Plastics Show, tions, the future of plastics, business thought leaders in the automo-
taking place May 6-10, 2024, at the productivity & profitability, sustain- tive, building and construction,
Orange County Convention Center ability & advancement of the circular consumer goods, and medical
in Orlando, Fla. NPE2024 is redefin- economy and more, attendees are and packaging industries.
ing the education experience for at- encouraged to tailor their education • Comprehensive plastics industry
tendees through a new immersive schedules to meet their personal busi- briefing that will include timely
learning journey on key topics in the ness needs. business updates from every
plastics industry, such as workforce The three Spark Stages are as follows: market segment, including global
development, circularity and artificial • Bottling Stage: Attendees will dis- insights on the economic impact
intelligence, among many others. cover advancements in technolo- of plastics, market trends, future
Produced by PLASTICS, the educa- gies for the beverage and non- forecasts on recycling and a re-
tional program was designed to help food segments. view of the Global Plastics Treaty.
businesses tackle the ever-changing • Innovation Stage, sponsored by • Market Trends sessions with in-
challenges of the industry, with ex- the Plastics Hall of Fame: Par- sights into the U.S. recycled plas-
clusive opportunities to gain insights ticipants will witness the latest in tics industry, the future of poly-
from plastics experts around the electrification, Industry 4.0, ther- ethylene and polypropylene and
world. “With more than 100 sessions moplastic alchemy, UV blockers, other leading topics.
total and 60 industry speakers present engineered thermoplastics and
at NPE, attendees will learn about the other exciting topics. To attend these new off-floor sessions,
future of plastics, the important part an Expo Plus registration is required
they play in our evolving industry and • Sustainability Stage, sponsored to unlock Market Trends with ICIS,
how plastics contribute to our daily by Nova Chemicals: Explore how while Expo Premier gives attendees
lives and our circular economy,” says the entire plastics supply chain is complete access to tailored industry
PLASTICS President and CEO Matt developing solutions to improve insights and on-demand post-show
Seaholm. efficiency, reduce materials loss, recordings.
use less power and more.
Registration opens for Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace, Defence &
Space conference
efence iQ has announced that issues in deploying Additive Manufac- Manufacturing Project Manager,
Dregistration is now open for the turing solutions. The conference will UK MoD
Additive Manufacturing for Aero- also serve as a platform to encour- • John Sneden, Propulsion Direc-
space, Defence & Space conference, age horizontal communication across tor, US Air Force Life Cycle Man-
which will take place at Ashton Gate these different sectors, without the agement Centre
Stadium in Bristol, UK on February need to share intellectual property.
27-28, 2024. An early-bird discount, saving £500, • Beth Dittmer, Propulsion Integra-
tion Division Chief, US Air Force
The two-day event will focus on ad- is available to those registering before Life Cycle Management Centre
dressing the challenges related to Friday November 24th.
promoting sustainability in Additive Key speakers include: • Steven Barnes, AM Process &
Manufacturing processes, digitisation • Alexander Champion, Additive Capability Lead, BAE Systems
of AM processes, and procurement
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