Page 50 - Plastic News November 2023
P. 50
Borealis, TotalEnergies Start Up Baystar PE Joint Venture
the creation of the highly customized
products our customers require to re-
main competitive and meet consumer
demands” She notes that these PFAS-
free materials, enable more than 50%
post-consumer recycled material in
some end products. Also, due to their
broad molecular weight distribution,
Borstar PE offers superior physical
properties with no need for process
aids or additives.
Said Borealis CEO Thomas Gangl,
“The arrival of Borealis’ proprietary
Borstar technology in North America
by way of Baystar marks, in line with
our owners’ strategies, a crucial step
for us in becoming a global leader in
advanced and sustainable chemicals
ew unit brings Borealis’ propri- two existing legacy PE units producing and material solutions,” Expanding
Netary Borstar PE technology to 881.8 million lb/yr, and the 2.2- billion and deepening our footprint through
North America and completed the lb/yr ethane cracker at the TotalEner- Baystar enables us to better serve
partners’ integrated petrochemicals gies Platform in Port Arthur, Texas, customers and partners by offering
venture. brought on stream in mid-2022. improved access to Borstar based
Borealis and TotalEnergies recently Borstar technology has been shown products produced right here in
brought on stream their ambitious to produce advanced value-added North America.”
Baystar joint venture’s new 1.3-bil- polymers with enhanced sustainabil- “After the inauguration of the ethane
lion lb/yr (625,000 m.t.) in Pasadena, ity by enabling light-weighting and the cracker unit in Port Arthur last year,
Texas, which brings to North America incorporation of greater amounts of the start-up of the new PE unit is the
Borealis’ proprietary Borstar 3G tech- post-consumer recycled materials in second milestone of this joint ven-
nology and more than doubles the a variety of end products, serving the ture aimed at establishing Baystar as
current production capacity at Bay- energy, infrastructure and consumer a fully integrated U.S. petrochemical
star’s site. products industries. player. The fruition of this venture
Referred to as Bay 3, the unit com- According to Baystar president, Di- also advances TotalEnergies’ ambition
pletes the partners’ integrated petro- ane Chamberlain, “Borstar technol- to grow in the United States,” said
chemicals venture, which includes the ogy enables our technical, produc- Bernard Pinatel, president, Refining &
expanded Bayport PE facility, including tion, and sales teams to collaborate in Chemicals, TotalEnergies.
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