Page 72 - Plastic News November 2023
P. 72


          ment (such as the cutter compactor  temperature (air temperature on air-  Uniformity in the final recycled pellet
          and shredder) or overcooking  the  cooled recycling machines) is at a suit-  shape and size is one of the most im-
          plastic melt in the extruder often  able level can solve most of the sticky  portant points determining the quality
          causes  the  degradation  of the  recy-  plastic pellets problem. Using a cen-  of recycled  plastic.  Many factors in-
          cled pellets. This reduces their reus-  trifuge dryer can also prevent pellets  cluding instability in feeding, material
          ability and weakens the quality of final  stick to each other while also further  flow, and especially poor pellet cutting
          plastic products.                  drying them. Using a chiller, especially  system are the common reasons for
          Solution:                          for hot climates is also suggested.  non-uniform  pellets output. Pelletiz-
                                             6.  Hollow plastic pellets          ing  inefficiency  is  the  most  common
                                             Hollow plastic pellets  are  not pre-
                                             ferred for  plastic production. They
                                             often cause inefficient production and
                                             poor final product quality because of
                                             their  low density, reduced  strength,
                                             inconsistent  size,  and shape. Poor
                                             degassing,  poor plasticization, the
                                             temperature,  and cooling water  cir-
          Setting the right temperature on the  culation speed can be the  common
          particular sections of  the recycling  reasons for hollow plastic pellets.
          machines based on the materials, cali-  Solution:
          brating heating and cooling elements
          efficiently, and using reliable compo-                                 reason for plastic chunk creation.
          nents which do not cause tempera-                                      Solution:
          ture  imbalance  can  significantly  pre-                              Stabilizing  material feeding, ensur-
          vent  material  overheating  problems.                                 ing  smooth  melt  flow  with  the  right
          Prevention of material blockages also                                  temperature  adjustment,  prevent-
          reduces local clogging and overheat-                                   ing clogging, and using an auto speed
          ing problems.                                                          and pressure-controlled pellet cutting
          5.  Sticky plastic pellets                                             system will solve most of the non-uni-
          There might be several reasons that                                    form pellet output problems.
          makes recycled  pellets  stick to each                                 Such as the  POLYSTAR water  ring
          other. Higher extruder temperature,                                    pelletizer  automatically  adjusts pel-
          poor pellet cooling, and material char-  Vacuum degassing  system  options   let cutting speed based on the speed
          acteristics are the most common rea-  based on the condition of the mate-  of the melt coming out from the die
          sons.                              rial is an effective solution to remove   head. The system also ensures the
          Solution:                          gas from the materials which causes   pelletizing  knives are always posi-
                                             hollow pellets.  Adjusting  the  right   tioned on the die head synchronously
                                             and stable temperature on particular   with the die head pressure.
                                             zones  of the  recycling  extruder  and  These  result in cutting  uniform size
                                             die head provides smooth plasticiza-  and shaped pellets all the time. Dull
                                             tion, and prevents quick temperature  pelletizing knives or their disposition
                                             changes.  Adjusting  the  right  cooling  might  cause plastic chunk creation,
                                             water temperature and speed (not  replacing the knives with original
                                             too cold and not too fast) also pre-  spare parts and maintaining the right
                                             vents recycled pellets form a hollow  position can solve this problem.
          Setting  the  right  extruder  tempera-                                How to choose a stable plastic recy-
          ture parameters based on your ma-  7.  Non-uniform      pellets   or   cling machine?
          terial, and ensuring the cooling water   chunks

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