Page 45 - Plastics News Issue November - 2024
P. 45
Impressing with innovative
solutions and customer focus
kN clamping force, the latest generation of the
t-win two-platen injection moulding machines
from the ENGEL Group's WINTEC brand, as well
as high-precision large machines and automated
production processes, impressed with their ef-
ficiency and flexibility. Notably, ENGEL’s dual-
brand strategy continues to prove successful:
while ENGEL offers highly specialised technol-
ogy tailored to individual customer needs, WIN-
he 29th Fakuma, held from October 15th TEC provides accessible, effective solutions that
to 19th, 2024 in Friedrichshafen, once utilise the technology to achieve targeted re-
Tagain affirmed its position as one of the sults cost-effectively.
most important trade fairs for plastics processing
in Europe. This year, ENGEL, one of the leading Customers and visitors could directly experi-
manufacturers in the field of injection moulding ence how ENGEL optimises production pro-
technologies, stood out as a central exhibitor, cesses with integrated digital tools such as the
successfully showcasing its latest innovations to iQ process observer and the authentig machine
a wide audience of industry professionals. data collection system. These solutions increase
overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), helping
Successful Trade Show Performance with a
Clear Customer Focus companies reduce costs and remain competitive
in the long term.
Ahead of the fair, ENGEL set clear goals: the fo- Positive Feedback and Strategic Milestones
cus was on improving efficiency, digitalisation,
and sustainability. These priorities were reflect- For ENGEL, the trade show not only provided
ed in the numerous exhibits, all designed to ad- an opportunity to strengthen existing customer
dress the current challenges facing the plastics relationships but also served as a platform to at-
industry. Based on feedback from the discus- tract new customers. According to internal feed-
sions and responses from trade show visitors, back, the visitor turnout at the ENGEL booth was
it became evident that the solutions presented high, with many new prospects from various in-
fully met the expectations of both customers dustries exploring ENGEL's solutions. For exam-
and interested parties. The automation solutions ple, in the highly sought-after medical technol-
and digitally supported process monitoring sys- ogy sector, ENGEL successfully demonstrated
tems, in particular, generated significant interest. its expertise. The high demand for specialised
solutions for diabetes product manufacturing
ENGEL's showcased machine solutions, includ- highlighted the importance of this sector.
ing the new all-electric e-mac 500 with 5000
November 2024 PLASTICS NEWS 45