Page 12 - Plastics News October 2021
P. 12


          Mcx-Oil & Gas Fundamentals & Energy Price Risk Management


              s an industry, we all keep looking for  Multi Commodity Exchange of India  benefit from hedging techniques.
          Anewer opportunities to develop our  (MCX) offers the benefits energy price
          businesses. One such opportunity comes  risk  management  to  the  value  chain   Key Takeaways:
          to us in the form of Fundamentals and  participants engaged in energy intensive   •   Reduce Raw material price volatility
          Energy Price Risk Management. AIPMA  and allied industries. Additionally, we also   •   Unlocking working capital tied up
          had organised the webinar  on  Mcx-Oil   had deep understanding about the risks   for raw material purchases
          & Gas Fundamentals & Energy Price   associated with price volatility and market
          Risk Management On  October 8, 2021   complexities that has now become the   •   Non-transparent resin prices
          The program started at 3 :30 pm , with   new and normal for companies having  •   Volatile Crude oil prices are
          Shri. Deepak Ballani – Director General,   direct or indirect exposure to crude oil   responsible for 90% variation in
          AIPMA, introducing Shri. Kishore   & natural gas. Thus, managing energy    resin prices
          Sampat - President AIPMA and Shri.   price risk is no longer a choice, but a
          Arvind Mehta – Chairman Governing   compulsion for the sustenance of these   •   Crude oil futures prices serve as a
          Council AIPMA who set the note for   business enterprises.                 proxy for resin prices
          the program.                                                           •   Unable to pass cost to consumers in
                                             This  Webinar  has  thrown  lights  on
          Mr. Pulkit Kasliwal, CFO, AIPMA                                            competitive scenario
          handled the question and answer session   Fundamentals, Price Risk Management
                                             and Hedging Process. Hedging is the  Our Expert For The Evening Was:
          with great aplomb.
                                             process of reducing or controlling risk.   Ms. Ruchi Shukla, Head- Energy, MCX
          The  webinar  is  mainly  focused  on  It involves taking equal and opposite   India Ltd and Mr. Ashish Bhagtani, Sr.
          Fundamentals that influence the volatile  positions in two different markets such   Manager-PMT Energy, MCX India Ltd.
          energy prices & Hedging energy price  as physical and futures market. The   After the presentation by the expert, the
          risk using energy derivative contracts  objective of this process is to reduce   floor was left open for Q&A session to
          in which we have a clear understanding  or limiting risks associated with price   answer any doubts the attendees may
          about the Price drivers of Energy Market. change. A good hedging practice, hence,   have. The webinar was attended by over
          This program provided insights about   encompasses efforts by companies to get   155 people from the Export-Import and
          Energy futures and options contracts.   a clear picture of their risk profile and   Trading Industry.

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