Page 77 - Plastics News October 2024
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              able future with zero change in material perfor-       Exel’s customers will have the choice of switch-
              mance.                                                 ing to this resin or keeping the original composi-
                                                                     tion in the products that they purchase, but Sjö-
              Exel Composites is a Finnish technology com-
                                                                     dahl is confident that the composites community
              pany that designs, manufactures, and markets
                                                                     shares the company’s appetite for Scope Three
              composite profiles and tubes for industrial ap-
                                                                     emissions reduction. “Whether from partner-
              plications. The converter is also involved with
                                                                     ships with Ineos or our other suppliers, Exel is
              mechanical recycling of carbon-fiber composite
                                                                     proud to help lead the community in the journey
              scrap together with Fairmat, a tech firm that has
                                                                     toward sustainability,” explained Sjödahl.
              developed a “reconstitution process.” It employs
              proprietary cutting technologies using robotic         “Together with our long-standing customer Exel
              tools equipped with machine learning to disas-         Composites, we are committed to addressing
              semble carbon-fiber components and convert             more than just our own Scope 1 and 2 emissions
              the pieces into carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic        by implementing sustainable product solutions
              (CFRP) building blocks                                 throughout the value chain,” said Daniel Blanco,
                                                                     product manager for UPR & VER at Ineos Com-
              Reduction of 79 tonnes of CO2
                                                                     posites EMEA. “Our Envirez technology platform
              The specific Ineos Envirez resin’s chemical com-       spans resin solutions based on bio-based and
              position features 23% bio-based glycol. As a           circular feedstocks, helping reduce the prod-
              result, the carbon equivalent emissions in the         uct’s carbon footprint compared to conventional
              manufacture of the resin are 2.89 CO 2e kg in-         fossil-based raw materials,” explained Blanco.
              cluding biogenic carbon, as opposed to fossil-
                                                                     Bulk delivery further lightens environmental
              based equivalent resin’s 3.68 CO 2e kg*. This
              represents a 21% drop in associated manufactur-
              ing emissions and, in the context of the agreed        The two partners further limit emissions and
              100 tones of resin, a reduction of 79 tonnes of        waste involved with resin delivery. The Envirez
              CO2 released.                                          resin is manufactured in the Ineos’ production
                                                                     site in Kilpilahti, Finland, from where a tanker
              “The manufacturing industry simply won’t reach
                                                                     truck transports full tanks locally to Exel Com-
              its sustainability targets through isolated initia-
                                                                     posites’ factories in Joensuu and Mäntyharju,
              tives,” said Kim Sjödahl, SVP of technology and
              sustainability at Exel Composites. “We know that
              genuinely making a difference means adapting           “Utilizing bulk deliveries means no separate
              our central processes and incorporating more           packaging is used for the deliveries, reducing the
              eco-friendly materials into our high-volume man-       need for virgin materials, recycling, and logistics.
              ufacturing.                                            It further reduces the resin waste internally, and
                                                                     internal handling. All this helps in offsetting the
              Drop-in performance
                                                                     higher cost of the resin itself,” said Sjödahl. The
              “All our evaluation and testing confirms Ineos’        factory crew pumps up to 25 tonnes of Envirez
              information: Its drop-in bio-based solution yields
                                                                     resin directly into the bulk storage tanks, from
              the same technical performance as fossil-based         where it is ready to use for daily production.
              resins. Customers won’t notice any difference
                                                                                                  Source – Plastics Today
              between the two,” continued Sjödahl.

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