Page 82 - Plastics News October 2024
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Environmental Benefits of Plastics
A common issue arising from the automotive
production and usage is the effects on the en-
vironment that the manufacturing and usage of
automobiles make. Despite the sources of plas-
tics being fossils, its use in automotive design
still aid in achieving sustainable future. It is also
understood that the production of the plastic
parts is less energy consuming than metal com-
ponents thereby the emission of green house
gases during the manufacturing process is low.
Secondly, the relatively low densities of plastics
that the automotive industries use means that it
is easier to achieve fuel savings throughout the evolution in materials science. There are current-
life of the car and hence less pollution is made. ly signs that researchers are creating improved
Manufacturers are also using more of bio-based types of plastics that have more heightened
plastics and recycled plastics in cars’ production strength, heat moulding, and sustainability pros-
making plastics parts even more environmen- pects as well. For instance, carbon fiber rein-
tally friendly. forced plastics, which are in the course of being
Plastics in Electric Vehicles (EVs) researched for applications that would enhance
their high strength with the benefit of low den-
Among the materials, there is micro and light- sity.
weight components such as plastics, has been
boosted by the emergence of electric vehicles Some other trends that are affecting the auto-
motive plastics include recycling and sustainabil-
(EV’s). They are large structures keeping large
packs of batteries since they power the vehi- ity. The automobile industry has shifted its atten-
tion on designing and manufacturing cars such
cle and the batteries bring asymmetrical added
mass. However, plastics help the manufacturers that the plastic parts used in the automobiles
have a record of being recycle and reused, in a
to maintain the overall weight of the EVs low be-
cause they incorporated the material in the de- bid to minimize on environmental degradation.
sign of the cars. Conclusion
Since the weight of a lighter EV is lower, such cars Today plastics are very important car materials
can cover more distance within a single charge that suppliers are providing automobile design-
and therefore are more usable. Also plastics are ers for better fuel efficiency, higher speeds, and
used in the insulation of electric components as environmentally friendly cars. Plastics help to
well as the wires making the electric vehicles lower fuel consumption and emission rates be-
more safe and efficient as well. sides providing a better control of the vehicle
Future Trends in Automotive Plastics due to the conservation of the general weight
of vehicles.
In conclusion it can be said that the future of
Source – Plastics Technology
plastics in automotive design is bright given the
82 PLASTICS NEWS October 2024