Page 20 - Plastics News September 2018
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                                   local   transport, transport,  daily allowance, etc.) as  per  his/her entitlement  will  be
                                   daily  allowance, reimbursed from the Ministry.  The amount excludes from the amount
                                   etc.         for sanctioned to Industry Associations/organisations.

                            5.2.2  Participation of MSME delegations in international exhibitions,  trade fairs and  buyer-
                            seller meets in foreign countries.  The minimum number of the MSME units must not be less than
                            10   in   a   delegation.    One    Office  Bearer   of   the   participating  Industry
                            Association/organization/Society/Trust can be considered for travel along with the delegation, if
                            The eligible  items  for  such  participation of MSME units  and  the scale  of assistance  would  be  as

                            Sl. No.   Eligible Items of   Scale of Assistance
                            (a)     Space Rent (Stall   For Micro, Small and Medium entrepreneurs:
                                    Charges)           100% of the space rent subject to a maximum of Rs.1.25 lakh or
                                                       actual rent paid, whichever is lower (for one MSME unit).

                                                       Office Bearer is not eligible for Space Rent.

                            (b)     Air Fare           For Micro, Small and Medium entrepreneurs:
                                                       100%  of  the economy class airfare subject  to a  maximum  of
                                                       Rs.1.00  lakh or  actual  fare paid,  whichever is lower  (for  one
                                                       MSME unit).

                                                       For office bearer of the applicant organisation:
                                                       100%  of  the economy class airfare  subject to  a maximum of
                                                       Rs.1.00 lakh or actual fare paid, whichever is lower.

                            (c)     Duty  allowance    Office Bearer will get USD 150 per day for a maximum of 3 days
                                                       of the approved period of event towards duty allowance.

                            (d)     Freight charges    Actuals subject to  maximum of  25,000/-  per MSME unit
                                                       (Rs.37,500/- per MSME unit for Latin American countries).

                            (e)     Advertisement and  Maximum of Rs.5.00 lakh or actual, whichever is less subject to the
                                    publicity charges   condition that the minimum MSME Units must be 20.

                            (f)     Entry/  registration  Maximum of Rs.5,000/- per MSME unit or actual whichever is less.
                            (d)     Air   fare,  hotel For  Government  official:    In case any Government official
                                    accommodation,     participates in the delegation, his/her  expenses  (air fare, hotel
                                    local transport, daily  accommodation, local transport, daily allowance, etc.) as per his/her
                                    allowance, etc.  for  entitlement will be  reimbursed from the Ministry.  The amount
                                    Government         excludes  from   the  amount   sanctioned  to  Industry
                                    Official.          Associations/organisations.

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