Page 21 - Plastics News September 2018
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                           5.2.3   Holding/ organizing International conferences/ summits/ workshops/ seminars relating
                           to MSME sector  to  be organized in India by the Industry Associations/ Government
                           Organizations.  The quantum of assistance would be as under:

                              (i)   Charges for holding/organizing the  A maximum of Rs.4.50 lakh or the actuals,
                                    International conferences/ summits/  whichever is lower subject to the condition that
                                    workshops/ seminars in  India by  the international event should not be held in any
                                    Industry Associations  including  five-star hotel.
                                    charges for venue  rent, catering,
                                    advertisement & publicity, security
                                    arrangement, etc.

                              (ii)   Airfare for foreign speakers/  A maximum of Rs.2.50 lakh or actuals,
                                    experts/ resource persons only.   whichever is  lower for  minimum of 3  foreign
                                                                    speakers/ experts/ resource persons.

                           5.2.4 Holding/organizing  mega  international  exhibition or fair and international
                           conferences/seminars/workshops,  Joint  Committee   Meetings/Joint  Working    Group
                           Meetings/Government  to Government bilateral meetings with outer countries in India by
                           Ministry of MSME or organizations under it.

                                 There is no expenditure ceiling for these events to be organized by the Ministry of MSME or
                           any of its organization.  The expenditure to be incurred will be decided by the competent authority i.e.
                           Secretary (MSME) in consultation with the IFW.

                           Para 5.2.5   Sending  a  delegation of the Ministry of MSME to an International

                                 10% of the Budget allocated for the Scheme will be spent under this head for sending the
                           delegation of the Ministry to an  International Exhibitions/Trade fair/Conference consisting the
                           executive members of the industry  associations/owners of the MSME  units and officials of the
                           Ministry including Hon’ble Minister of MSME.   The size of the delegation should   not be more than
                           15.  The members of Industry Associations/owners of MSME units will be reimbursed up and down
                           air fare and DA @ 150$ per day to the maximum period of three days.  The Selection of the delegates
                           will be done by a committee headed by Secretary (MSME).  DC (MSME), JS (ARI), JS(SME) and
                           Director (IC) will be the other members of the Committee.

                           Para 5.2.6   “Score Card” for selection of the MSME units participating in the International
                           Fairs/ Exhibitions abroad.
                                 There shall be a “Score Card” as indicated at Annexure-III for selection of the MSME units
                           visiting/participating in the  International  Fairs/ Exhibitions abroad.   The  Industry
                           Associations/Organizations etc. will furnish the Score Card, duly filled up, along with the application
                           and also give a self-undertaking to the effect that information furnished in the Score Card is correct
                           and nothing has been concealed.  The minimum qualifying score/points should be 60% of the Score
                           Card.  Claim will be accepted only in respect  of those MSME Units whose names have been
                           submitted by the Industry Associations/Government Institutions in the list submitted along with the
                           application form.

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