Page 70 - Plastics News September 2018
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              Milacron to introduce Feature M-Powered suite at Fakuma 2018

                  ilacron’s M-Powered suite of connected IoT solutions   WHFKQRORJ\  HQDEOHV  ÀOLQJ  D  PROG  DW  D  ORZHU   GHÀQHG
              Mmakes its European debut at Fakuma 2018. M-Powered   PHOW SUHVVXUH SURÀOH  DOORZLQJ D YDULDEOH ÀOOLQJ UDWH WKDW
              is a portfolio of easy-to-use observational, analytical   DGDSWV DXWRPDWLFDOO\ WR WKH SDUW JHRPHWU\  8VLQJ L0)/8;
              and support services that allow molders a competitive   molders can increase productivity by up to 50% on existing
              advantage through insight. M-Powered provides unique   injection molding machines. The process is ideal for most
              intelligence on a molders current operations and future   molding applications, but is especially advantageous for
              needs, sharpens manufacturing quality and productivity,   ZLGH  VSHFLÀFDWLRQ  PDWHULDOV   UHF\FOHG  PDWHULDOV   DQG
              and optimizes uptime.                                 can help a biomaterial work for many more applications,
                                                                    which continue to be an increasing sustainability focus for
              $OO (OHFWULF (OHNWURQ (92     ZLWK L0)/8; 7HFKQRORJ\  7KH   molders and brand owners.
              Elektron EVO is the product of Milacron’s years of innovation
              in all-electric injection molding technology. The Elektron
              EVO was designed for a full range of applications, in a wide
              variety of sizes, offering outstanding value to customers   Parrot-Beak® Drum Truck for
              to help them achieve their plastics manufacturing goals.   Handling all Rimmed Drums

                                                                        iftomatic Material Handling, Inc., an industry leading
                                                                     Lmaterial handling equipment manufacturer, recently
                                                                     introduced a new 4-wheel hand truck, the Liftomatic
                                                                       +7  :  7KH 0RGHO  +7  : LV D   ZKHHO KDQG WUXFN
                                                                     GHVLJQHG WR KDQGOH DOO ULPPHG VWHHO  ÀEHU DQG SODVWLF
                                                                     drums weighing up to 1000 pounds. It is designed
                                                                     with ergonomic safety in mind, eliminating the need
                                                                     for an operator to bear the weight of the load during
                                                                     transport. The drum truck has two 10" main wheels with
                                                                     full roller bearings, and two 4" swivel casters to support
              The Elektron EVO uses 60% less energy and 90% less water
              than hydraulic injection molding machines, reducing    the drum while moving through plants and warehouses,
              operating costs substantially. Setting the standard for   LQ DGGLWLRQ WR /LIWRPDWLF·V H[FOXVLYH ´3DUURW %HDNŠµ
              movement repeatability, Elektron’s stroke precision of   clamping
              systems, making it the best injection molding machine   include a
              no oil disposal, leaks or slipping hazards, Elektron EVO
              is perfect for clean room environments regardless of   mechanism that
                                                                     can be adjusted
              PDFKLQH VL]H QHHGHG  0LODFURQ ZLOO DOVR LQWURGXFH  L0)/8;   to handle all
              Technology an adaptive process control module to the
              M-Powered suite of products. M-Powered is a portfolio of   drum sizes from
              easy-to-use observational, analytical and support services   10 to 85 gallons.
              that gives customers a competitive advantage through   Liftomatic
              insight. Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) technology,   Material
              M-Powered provides unique intelligence on your current   Handling, Inc. is an acknowledged leader in the
              operations and future needs, sharpens manufacturing    design and manufacture of drum handling equipment.
              quality and productivity, and optimizes uptime.  The   Headquartered in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Liftomatic
                                                                     maintains manufacturing, engineering and sales
              L0)/8; PROGLQJ WHFKQRORJ\ SURYLGHV UHDO WLPH DGMXVWPHQW   facilities around the globe. Liftomatic currently sells
              for mold and material changes. Consumer packaged goods   products in over 40 countries and sells to more than
              JLDQW 3URFWHU   *DPEOH GHYHORSHG L0)/8; LQ       DQG   400 of the Fortune 500 companies.
              now operates as a wholly owned P&G subsidiary. The

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