Page 72 - Plastics News September 2018
P. 72


              Teknor introduces four new PVC                         Coperion and Coperion K-Tron

              jacket compounds                                       present new feeding technology

                 eknor Apex has introduced four new PVC jacket           RSHULRQ  DQG  &RSHULRQ  . 7URQ  SUHVHQW  ÀUVW FODVV
              TFRPSRXQGV  WKDW  PHHW  ÁDPH  WHVW  UHTXLUHPHQWV  IRU  Cplastics processingsolutions – especially solutions
              power and control tray cables while providing enhanced-  IRU  WKH  HIÀFLHQW  IHHGLQJ  RI  EXON  PDWHULDO  LQWR  WKH
              SHUIRUPDQFH RSWLRQV IRU VSHFLÀF DSSOLFDWLRQV  7HNQRU $SH[   compounding process.  The  Coperion ZS-B side feeder
              &RPSDQ\ ZLOO LQWURGXFH WKH FRPSRXQGV DW ,:&6       7KH   which is used to feed raw materials into numerous
              $SH[Š 39& DQG )OH[DOOR\Š 39& (ODVWRPHU &RPSRXQGV IURP   extrusion processes. is equipped with the patented
              7HNQRU $SH[ 0HHW 8/    DQG 8/      5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU    Feed Enhancement Technology (FET) that increases
              Power-Limited Circuit Cables and Power and Control Tray   the material intake capacity in the processing of feed
              &DEOHV $OO IRXU FRPSRXQGV SDVV UHTXLUHPHQWV IRU 8/        limited products by up to three times. The Coperion ZS-B
              (electrical power and control tray cables with optional   twin screw side feeder enables the reliable side feeding
              cables); meet the CSA FT-4 burn tests with appropriate   glass fibers into the
              cores; and have a maximum continuous operating         process section of the
              temperature of 105 °C. The compounds are with Shore A   twin screw extruder.
              durometers given as 15-second Hardness Stand readings.   The ZS-B features a
              $SH[Š       LV D    6KRUH $ 39& FRPSRXQG WKDW \LHOGV VRIW    self-cleaning profile
              ORZ JORVV  KLJKO\ ÁDPH UHWDUGHG MDFNHWLQJ IRU XVH RYHU   of the twin screws
              SRO\HWK\OHQH  7KH PDWHULDO LV FDSDEOH RI DFKLHYLQJ 8/ 2LO   and product feeding
              Resistance I and II ratings, features an oxygen index of 41%,   LQWR WKH VFUHZ ÁLJKWV
              and, with a brittle point of -16 °C, is suited for indoor use.   of the extruder
              $SH[Š       LV D    6KRUH $ 39& FRPSRXQG IRU RXWGRRU   without stagnant
              rated jackets over crosslinked polyethylene. It is capable of   zones. It requires very
              Oil I and II ratings and is designed to pass -25 °C cold impact   littlespace due to its
                                         and -40 °C cold bend tests.   compact design. The side feeder is equipped with the
                                         :KLOH  $SH[  3        LV    patented FET Feed Enhancement Technology developed
                                         an 82 Shore A blend of      by Coperion, which applies a vacuum to the feed
                                         PVC and thermoplastic       zone by means of a porous, gas-permeable wall. The
                                         SRO\XUHWKDQH   738          resulting gas extraction increases the material intake
                                         formulated for use in       capacity in the processing of feed limited products by
                                         appliance wiring and tray   up to three times. Throughput rates will considerably
                                         cables over polyethylene    LQFUHDVH DQG WKH XVH RI ÀQHU   QRQ FRPSDFWHG ÀOOHUV
                                         cores.                      is possible.
                                         7KH PRVW ÁDPH UHWDUGDQW     Coperion K-Tron has also introduced the electronic
                                         RI  D  VHULHV  RI  39& 738   pressure compensation system (EPC) for their high-
                                         blends, it has an oxygen    accuracy loss-in-weight feeders. The main advantages
                                         index of 35% and a brittle   of the new system include improved accuracy and
                                         point of -49 °C.  The       reliability as well as lower initial cost and easier
                                         )OH[DOOR\Š           LV  D   installation compared to traditional mechanical
                                         67 Shore A PVC elastomer    pressure compensation systems. Coperion K-Tron
                                         developed as a spatter-,    presents a clever but simple electronic solution
                                         RLO    DQG  89 UHVLVWDQW    for accurate and steady pressure compensation in
                                         material for welding cable.    feeder hoppers and outlets.  The modular design
              ,W PHHWV WKH 8/    VWDQGDUG IRU ÁH[LEOH FDEOH DQG LV IRU XVH   incorporates pressure sensors and electronics tailored
              over PVC or crosslinked polyethylene cores. The low-gloss   to interact smoothly with Coperion K-Tron’s KCM feeder
              compound has a -38 °C brittle point and a 34% oxygen index.  control system.

              Plastics News  September 2018 September 2018
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