Page 12 - Plastics News September 2019
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          AIPMA MSME Financial Conclave 2019 - A Report

             he All India Plastics Manufacturers ‘Association   the lighting of the lamp, where in our dignitaries
          Torganized a Financial Conclave at Hotel Taj Deccan -   Dr. PGS Rao – Director DCPC, Shri Virendra Mittal IAS –
          Hyderabad on 7th September, 2019 with HDFC Bank being   Assam Plastics, Shri K N Jha of Jharkhand Plastic Park, Shri
          the title sponsor.The event was Supported By Government   D. Chandrasekhar Additional Industrial Advisor – MSME, Shri
          of India, Ministry of DCPC, Ministry of MSME, NSIC. This   RVG Kulkarni – Senior VP HDFC Bank, Shri Sanjay Jain – GM
          was second event of series in year 2019.              SIDBI, Shri Bhandari – TAAPMA & Shri Hari Govind Prasad
                                                                – FTCCI along with our President Mr. Meela Jayadev, VP
          Financial Institutions namely, Drip Capital Services PVT.
          LTD., SIDBI and Major Plastic Parks - Jharkhand Plastic Park   6RXWK ² 0U  $QLO 5HGG\ 9HQQDP DQG 93 :HVW ² 0U  .LVKRUH
          and Assam Plastic Park were also sponsors and speakers   Sampat were called on the stage to light the lamp.
          at event.                                             The welcome speech was given by our President Mr. Meela
                                                                Jayadev. He spoke about AIPMA and all the programs that
                                                                are organized by AIPMA. He also mentioned the reason of
                                                                the conclave was to educate ourselves on various gateways
                                                                and opportunities we have in Banking and Financial
                                                                sectors and also how to invest in Plastics Parks our State
                                                                Governments are offering.
                                                                Our VP South – Mr. Anil Reddy Vennam gave the Introduction
                                                                and shared a few key notes with the assembled guests.
                                                                He further elaborated about growth potential of plastic
                                                                industry in that part of country and How MSMEs of   Plastic
                                                                Industry will contribute to create a USD 5 Trillion Economy
                                                                and how our industry can be geared to take advantage of
                                                                ÀQDQFLDO WRROV WR JURZ RXU EXVLQHVV
                                                                Mr. Deepak Ballani – Dir. Gen. AIPMA hosted the event,
          Knowledge Partner was CA Manish Poddar for the event to
                                                                ZLWK KLV XVXDO ÁDLU FRQVWDQWO\ JLYLQJ LQSXWV DERXW $,30$
                                                                to the guests present, making them more aware of all the
          Logo support was received from 9 South based Plastic   things AIPMA is doing for the Plastic Industries.
          Associations for our event.
                                                                The Guest of Honor Dr. PGS Rao – Director DCPC, spoke
          FTCCI                                                 about Government initiative and growth of Plastic Industry.
          All India Flat Tape Manufacturers Association         Shri D. Chandrasekhar, Additional Industrial Advisor –
          Canara Plastic Manufacturers & Traders Association    MSME was our second Guest of Honor. He enlightened the
          Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association          gathering on government focus to support MSME and its
                                                                importance in Indian Economy.MSME ministry were actively
          Karnataka State Plastics Association
                                                                rolling several portals for industry to identify business
          Kerala Plastic Manufacturers Association              leads and also PSU vendor development programs for small
          Chennai Plastics Manufacturers' & Merchant Association  companies were of interest to delegates.
          The Tamil Nadu Plastics Manufacturers Association     Mr. RVG Kulkarni, Senior Vice President – HDFC Bank Ltd.
          The Tamil Nadu PVC Pipe Manfrs  Assn                  Guest of Honor and Title Sponsor of AIPMA MSME Financial
          Telangana And Andhra Plastics Manufacturers Association  Conclave – Hyderabad, elaborated on how HDFC Bank  was
          The conclave was attended by more than 200 entrepreneurs   placed in banking industry and they were adding facilities
          from the Plastic Industry.                            for MSME to grow with their network.
          :KLOH WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ VWDUWHG DW     $0 WKH SURJUDPPH   Mr. Sanjay Jain – SIDBI spoke eloquently on the Vision of
          began at 10AM and delegates rolled in with full strength   SIDBI, he mentioned that SIDBI wants to be the single
          to make houseful event.Inauguration was done with     ZLQGRZ IRU PHHWLQJ WKH ÀQDQFLDO DQG GHYHORSPHQWDO QHHGV

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