Page 14 - Plastics News September 2019
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          of the MSME sector to make it strong, vibrant and globally   infrastructure and connectivity. He also mentioned
          competitive, to position SIDBI Brand as the preferred and   the incentives and exemptions that are provided to
          customer-friendly institution and for enhancement of   investors. Launched on 8 September 2015, Government
          shareholder wealth and highest corporate values through   RI -KDUNKDQG GHYHORSHG WKH 6LQJOH :LQGRZ SRUWDO ZZZ
          modern technology platform.                  which is a one stop solution
                                                                for providing clearances and approvals to all new and
          All were honored  all are dignitaries with a Memento
          being a tree planted in their name thus supporting    existing investors in the state of Jharkhand.
          environment.                                          SIDBI followed with Mr. Kameswara Rao - Asst. GM
                                                                VSHDNLQJ  RQ  WKH  EHQHÀWV  WKDW  6,'%,  SURYLGHV  IRU  WKH
          The first Business Session started with HDFC BANK
          presentation and was led by Mr. Pawan Kumar Chillarige   MSMEs. He also spoke on what has been achieved over
          – Senior VP HDFC Bank Ltd.He spoke on strength of HDFC   the years and the recent initiatives taken by SIDBI.
          BANK network and product range for plastic industry to   Offerings by SIDBI for MSME with low rate of interest
          take advantage.                                       on capital was highlighted by speaker.NSIC Manager,
                                                                Mr. Kantha Rao graced event  to give a quick brief about
          Delegates were keen to know their L/C facility and
          forex related products along with their cards enabling   NSIC Schemes that are available for MSME of the Plastic
          to transact in other currencies across globe.         Industry.
                                                                Schemes of government   like NO EMD on bidding
          like personal loans in few minutes just going online and   tenders along with other bulk buying of raw-materials
          other speedy services and customer convenience features   for discounted purchase prices and other advantages of
          were highlighted by them.                             being registered with NSIC was explained to delegates.
                                                                Our knowledge partner was last star speaker at the event.
          Their team were present to interact with all delegates
          on one to one basis. Shri. Virendra Mittal IAS, speaker of   Our Knowledge Partner- Mr. Manish Poddar introduced
          Assam Plastic Park Tinsukhia mentioned that the Plastic   his Company SDP & Associates and spoke on Credit and
          Park is well connected by Air, Rail and Road. Almost   Financial Discipline for Bank Borrowings. He believed that
          10% of India’s total exports of plastics are exported to   MSMEs play an important role as the backbone of Indian
          markets neighbouring Assam. They also have certain    economy by generating employment and contributing
          Government schemes like, Income Tax reimbursement,    VLJQLÀFDQWO\ WR ,QGLD·V *'3  7KH VXFFHVV RI WKHVH 060(V
          employment incentives, stamp duty exemptions and 2%   depend on being adequately funded. He mentioned the
          Interest subsidy on working Capital for 5 years.      DGYDQWDJHV  RI  PDLQWDLQLQJ  JRRG  FUHGLW  DQG  ÀQDQFLDO
          AIPMA's  very own Plastivision India – 2020 was introduced
          WR WKH FURZG E\ 0U  .LVKRUH 6DPSDW ² 93 :HVW DQG WKH   Our Hospitality Partner, Taj Deccan was felicitated by
          informative video of PVI 2020 was played before breaking   VP South. The sessions ended with question being asked
          for Lunch.                                            by the guests that were very candidly answered by our
                                                                Banks and Plastic Parks respectively.
          Our Second Session started with Drip Capital Services Pvt.
          Ltd. Speaker Mr. Nath Kakani speaking On SME Exporters   7KH ÀQDO 9RWH RI 7KDQNV ZDV JLYHQ E\ 0U  .LVKRUH 6DPSDW
          and Problem They Face. He showed us why there is      ²  93  :HVW  WKDW  ZDV  IROORZHG  E\  WKH  1DWLRQDO $QWKHP
          a Credit gap and how without easy access to working   being played.
          capital, SME’s are at risk of losing orders or buyers.  He   Networking Tables were kept for all present for one on one
          went on to show the solution offered by Drip Capital as   interactive meetings between the Financial Institutions
          an NBFC has for the MSME’s.After an interesting session   and the attendees.A testimonial was given by Mr. Pavan
          for exporters, next was Jharkhand Plastic Park.
                                                                Kumar Chillarige at the end of the program, stating that
          Mr. Neyaz Ahmed spoke on Investment Opportunity at    he was very happy to have joined hands with AIPMA for
          Plastic Park Deoghar, Jharkhand. He spoke about the   the AIPMA MSME Financial Conclave – Hyderabad.

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