Page 20 - Plastics News September 2019
P. 20


          KraussMaffei machinery parts                           Nespresso and JD Logistics
          maker to expand in Germany                             introduce doorstep recycling

             urgsmueller GmbH, part of KraussMaffei Group, is
          Brelocating its production headquarters from Kreiensen     estlé unit Nespresso has partnered with Chinese
          in central Germany to the nearby town of Einbeck. Part
          of KraussMaffei Berstorff, Burgsmueller manufactures   Ne-commerce company JD Logistics to introduce a
          screws, barrels, spindles and other components for     new doorstep recycling service in China.Leveraging JD’s
          extruders and compounding equipment.The new location,   nationwide in-house logistics network, the recycling
          spanning more than 75,340 square feet, is set for operation   programme will allow Nespresso’s Chinese customers
          in the second quarter of 2020, and will accommodate
          Burgsmueller's 125 employees. Describing it as the "most
          modern manufacturing site in Europe," Burgsmueller said
          the new site will focus on internationally competitive
          production and would be built to "the most demanding
          technical standards." Burgsmueller also added that it
          would "rigorously align" its production facilities in the
          new plant with Industry 4.0. standards."The Einbeck site
          will be designed as a Smart Factory with consistently
          networked production and data processing in real time,
          visualized processes and extensive data analysis," the
          company statement added.The plant also will substantially   to recycle their coffee capsules.As part of the deal,
          LPSURYH  SURGXFWLRQ  HIÀFLHQF\  DQG  UHGXFH  OHDG  WLPHV   JD has developed a new recycling page and included
          through the use of "state-of-the-art" machine tools, the   LW LQWR 1HVSUHVVR·V :H&KDW PLQL SURJUDPPH LQ RUGHU
          company added. Founded in 1876, Burgsmüller has since   WR VXSSRUW WKH UHF\FOLQJ LQLWLDWLYH  8VLQJ WKH :H&KDW
          EHFRPH DQ H[SHUW LQ WKH ÀHOG RI SURIHVVLRQDO WKUHDGLQJ   mini-programme, customers can arrange a JD courier
          technology and for the production of wear parts in the   to pick up their used coffee capsules on the same or
          plastics processing industry. In recent years, Burgsmüller   next day. The used Nespresso capsules will then be
          has become more and more of a metalworking specialist in   delivered to a nearby recycling facility in Beijing,
          twin-screw extruder screw elements and threading. Every   Shanghai or Guangzhou, depending on the location of
          year, more than 40,000 elements are manufactured for the   the customer.After receiving the capsules, Nespresso
          extrusion industry as well as shaft shafts and cylinders in   will separate the aluminium from them and will use it
                                                                 to manufacture gift products such as Nespresso branded
                                                                 knives. The used coffee grounds will serve as a fertiliser
                                                                 for the company’s eco-farm in Chongming Island, near
                                                                 Shanghai. Nespresso Greater China business executive
                                                                 RIÀFHU $OIRQVR 7URLVL VDLG  ´,W·V D JUHDW KRQRXU WR ZRUN
                                                                 with JD for this project. Sustainable development is
                                                                 Nespresso’s brand responsibility, as well as the core
                                                                 FRQFHSW RI RXU EXVLQHVV VWUDWHJ\  ´:LWK WKH VXSSRUW
                                                                 of JD’s premium in-house logistics network, we will
          our in-house metalworking centers. Burgsmüller plans to   be able to reach more consumers and recycle more
          a new location. As a further measure, the management has   100% recycling capacity all over the world in 2020.”
          GHFLGHG WR UHORFDWH SHUVRQQHO FDSDFLWLHV IURP WKH ÀHOG RI   In March, Nespresso partnered with the New York City
          turbomachinery to the area of   screw element production   Department of Sanitation (DSNY) and Sims Municipal
          and to abandon the sale of turbulators. The supply of tools,   Recycling (SMR) to facilitate the recovery of aluminium
          spare parts for whirling machines and assemblies as well   coffee capsules for recycling.
          as their service, repairs.

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