Page 23 - Plastics News September 2019
P. 23


          INCOE announces its new Asia headquarters in Shanghai

           NCOE has acquired and is currently in the process of   countries is supported by INCOE facilities located in North
          Irenovating what will become its new Asia Headquarters   America, Europe, Asia and South America.
          facility in Shanghai, China.The new building, located only
          about 1 km from the current INCOE facilities, will have a
          FRPELQHG RIÀFH DQG PDQXIDFWXULQJ ÁRRUVSDFH RI       P    Viridor opens  new  Recycling
                  IW    7KH QHZ ORFDWLRQ RIIHUV WKUHH ÁRRUV RI RIÀFH   and Renewable Energy Centre
          space and a 42% larger manufacturing area for greater hot
                                                                 at Scotland.

                                                                    ritish recycling and energy recovery company
                                                                 BViridor has opened a new Glasgow Recycling and
                                                                 Renewable Energy Centre (GRREC) at Polmadie,
                                                                 Scotland. Glasgow City Council leader Susan Aitken has
                                                                 announced the opening of the facility.The development
                                                                 of the new centre is part of a 25-year partnership
                                                                 between the city council and Viridor. The company
                                                                 will operate the facility, which is expected to create
                                                                 18 new apprenticeships and 250 jobs in the region. The
          runner system manufacturing capacity. The investment in   council expects GRREC to divert more than 200,000t
          Shanghai follows a previous expansion in 2013 when an   RI ZDVWH IURP WKH FLW\·V ODQGÀOO HYHU\ \HDU  7KLV ZDVWH
          adjacent and identically sized workshop was acquired,   will be used to generate electricity that could power
          doubling the available workspace.  The two existing    26,496 homes. The GRREC features a smart recycling
          facilities will consolidate together into the larger new   facility, an anaerobic digestion facility and an advanced
          headquarters building by the end of November 2019. “Our   conversion facility (ACF).Aitken said: “The GRREC will
          continued growth in the Asia market made it necessary   transform the way in which we manage waste in our
          WKDW ZH VHFXUH DGGLWLRQDO PDQXIDFWXULQJ ÁRRUVSDFH  7KH   city and will be crucial to helping us deliver against the
          new factory will allow us to expand production as needed”   EDQ RQ PXQLFLSDO ZDVWH JRLQJ WR ODQGÀOO  GXH WR FRPH
          said Mr. Ho Chee Kiang, General Manager of Asia operations   into effect in 2021. “Our commitment to the GRREC
          for INCOE. He continued, “The new factory is also very
          close to the previous factory, and will have minimum
          impact on our employees’ commutes while keeping us
          near our key local suppliers.” The new Asia Headquarters
          expansion mirrors growth for INCOE worldwide, including
          a new European Headquarters facility in Germany in 2014,
          a new Technical Service Center in Mexico in 2018, and
          the new Global Headquarters in the US in 2018. Since
          1958, INCOE has engineered productivity built hot runner
          systems starting with their original patented design of the
          systems, nozzles and manifolds, pre-wired and leak-proof   demonstrates how the council will work with Viridor
          Seal-Fit™ systems, complete hot halves and advanced    and our partners in the coming years to ensure Glasgow
          control technologies provide optimized processing      can take further major steps towards becoming the
          advantages suitable for appliances, automotive, caps,   most sustainable city in Europe.”The centre can extract
          closures, electronics, medical disposables, medical    recyclable materials from general waste, which would
          devices, packaging, pharmaceutical and technical molding   increase the overall recycling rates of the city.This
          applications. A network of representatives in over 45   would divert 90% of the council waste from the city’s
                                                                 ODQGÀOO DQG VDYH       W RI FDUERQ HPLVVLRQV HDFK \HDU

                                                                              23   September 2019   Plastics News
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