Page 14 - Plastics News September 2021
P. 14
Pankaj Kumar Takes Over Charge As ONGC Putnam Plastics
Director (Offshore) completes expansion
ankaj Kumar has taken over charge technological advances by working with utnam Plastics, a specialist in
Pof Director (Offshore) of Oil various Assets across the Energy major. Padvanced extr usions and
and Natural Gas Corporation Limited During his recent tenure as Asset Manager assemblies for minimally invasive
(ONGC) on 4 September 2021. As of one of the largest onshore Assets of medical devices, has completed
ONGC at Ahmedabad, the country faced construction on its latest expansion
the worst-ever pandemic and lock down. in Dayville, Connecticut. “We are
Under his dynamic leadership, during this excited to complete our new addition.
severe lock-conditions, the Asset with This space will allow us to increase
67 installations continued production our capabilities in manufacturing as
round-the-clock. He is known for his well as product development,” said
visionary approach and dynamic decision Jim Dandeneau, Putnam Plastics
making. During his stint in Joint Venture CEO. The 57,000 sq. ft facility will be
(JV) Operations Group, Mr Kumar was used as clean manufacturing space,
instrumental in exceptional turnaround increasing production capacity for
of CB-OS/2 Offshore JV block by both existing and new medical device
making it profitable with almost 100 customers. This new addition provides
per cent increase in production and additional space for the company to
delivering complex offshore projects continue to grow and support the
in Panna-Mukta and Tapti block, on- growing needs of their partners within
time and within allocated budget. Mr industry. This expansion has been
Kumar contrbuted in formulation of added onto the existing headquarters
ONGC’s Long Term Growth Strategy: in Northeast Connecticut. Similar
Director (Offshore), Mr. Kumar will Energy Strategy 2040 as Chief Corporate to the corporate headquarters, this
be responsible for the entire gamut of Strategy & Planning. Mr Kumar is space was designed specifically with
Offshore Oil & Gas fields contributing also the Chairperson of Society of Putnam’s medical device partners
around 70 per cent of Crude Oil and Petroleum Engineers India Section (SPE) in mind, offering additional clean
78 per cent of Natural Gas production – an international organization formed
of the Maharatna ONGC. Mr Kumar to collect, disseminate and exchange
is a thorough Oil & Gas industry technical knowledge concerning
professional with more than 34 years the exploration, development and
of experience across ONGC’s business production of oil and gas resources
functions, varying from Operations and related technologies for the public
Management of Offshore and Onshore benefit. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in
Chemical Engineering from University
fields, Well Engineering, Joint Venture of Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) and
Management, Corporate Strategic Master’s degree in Process Engineering
Management and Asset Management. from IIT Delhi. He completed Advance
He has held key positions as Chief of Management Program at IIM Bengaluru
Corporate Strategy & Planning group of and Leadership Development Program
ONGC and Asset Manager of Cambay at IIM Calcutta. Maharatna ONGC manufacturing space to expand their
and Ahmedabad Asset. Sustainable is the largest crude oil and natural product lines. Several new extrusion
production enhancement from mature gas Company in India, contributing lines, along with braiding and coiling
fields of Ahmedabad and Cambay is a around 71 per cent to Indian domestic machines to manufacture reinforced
testimony to his impeccable Asset and production. Crude oil is the raw material catheter shafts are just a few of the
Project Management skills. He has used by downstream companies to new pieces of equipment that will be
been instrumental in bringing numerous produce petroleum products. housed in this space.