Page 10 - Plastics News September 2021
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          Webinars at AIPMA

          RoDTEP – Benefits, Challenges And The Way Forward

                                                             who set the program.  attention to the Industry people about
                                                             Mr. Arvind Goenka –  the Scheme and who are eligible and
                                                             Chairman, Plexconcil  not eligible under those schemes that
                                                             has also addressed the  has been notified by the Government.
                                                             topic and given some   And also  there are many  issues  that
                                                             clear understanding   needs further Clarification. Mr. Ratan
                                                             about the RoDTEP    Jain, Partner and Mr. Saurabh Malpani,
                                                             S c he m e s  and   Principal Associate – Lakshmikumaran
                                                             it s  be ne f i t s   &  Sridharan  Attorney’s.  After  the
                                                             and challeng es.    presentation by the experts, the floor
              IPMA’s had organized a webinar   The  Webinar  saw  good  number  of   was left open for Q&A round to answer
          Ato discuss Remission of  Duties   participants  Additionally, discussions   any doubts of Participants. TheWebinar
          and Taxes on Export Products Scheme   were held for  understanding about the   was attended by over 81 people from the
          on September 07  2021 focusing on   new Amendments Rules and issuance of   Plastic Industries.
          a broad overview of  the RoDTEP    Customs Notification by the Ministry of  Key Takeaways
          Scheme and  the benefits available   Finance and Guidelines or Procedures  Categories which are eligible and not
          under RoDTEP Schemes. The program   by CBIC that are still pending. The  eligible  for  the  benefit,    Challenges
          began at 3 PM with Mr.Deepak Ballani,   webinar focused on  how this scheme  which may be faced and way forward /
          Director General, AIPMA, introducing   PRIMA FACIE are seeming to indicate  Suggestion, Benefits available under the
          Mr. Chandrakant Turakhia, President  various challenges faced by the Industry  RoDTEP scheme, Broad overview of
          AIPMA and Mr. Arvind Mehta,  unless it is suitably clarified. The primary  the RoDTEP scheme.
          Chairman Governing Council AIPMA  objective of the webinar was to bring

          Achieveing Accurate Defect Prediction In Plastics Parts

                                                              the webinar        CAE simulation tool. It is developed
                                                              The Webinar focused   by Toray Engineering D Solutions Ltd,
                                                              on 3 DT IMON       Japan, with a history of  35 years of
                                                              which is used for   development and research. 3DTIMON
                                                              M a n ufa ctur in g   has major customers such as Toyota,
                                                              Moulded Plastics   Mitsubishi Chemical, Denso, Toshiba,
                                                              and Composite      Honda, Canon, Samsung, Panasonic and
                                                              Mat e rials .      Gestamp.
              he next webinar was organised   Additionally, there were discussions   Key Takeaways:
          Tby AIPMA’s AMTEC along with       to have deep understanding about    MCOOL Analysis,Mould Deformation
          DesignTech Systems Pvt Ltd  on August   DesignTech that Specializes in providing   Analysis, Buckling Load Analysis,Patented
          26 , 2021. The webinar began at 3 PM   mechanical engineering and product   Meshing pre-processor which drastically
          IST with Mr. Deepak Ballani – Director   design analysis services including CAD   cuts down meshing as well as solving time
          General, AIPMA, introducing Mr.    and CAE services to companies from   Flexible License, Solve 4 iterations at a
          Chandrakant Turakhia, President AIPMA   cross vertical domains.        time with one license
          and Mr. Arvind Mehta – Chairman  The Program provided the clarity about
          Governing Council AIPMA who set the  the important factors of 3DTIMON   TheWebinar was attended by over 128
          note for the program. Mr. Vishal Suthar,  that is used for a wide range of products   people from the Plastic, Automotive, and
          Sr. Manager Technical Support, Design  from injection moulding to moulding of   Injection Moulding Industries.
          Tech Systems  was the subject experts for  advanced materials.3DTIMON is a niche

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