Page 27 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 27


          Thin-Wall Tubing: Composites Are Worth Considering

             atrick  Loock,  segment  business  composite solutions because of its rela- posite production, continuous manu-
          Powner for products and applications  tively low price, provides the desired  facturing processes, such as pultrusion
          at  composite  tubes  manufacturer  Exel  weight savings compared to aluminium  and pullwinding, are advantageous
          Composites, explains why manufactur- for tubes of equal dimensions but only  because they ensure consistent high-
          ers should reconsider using composites  has a stiffness of 35 GPa. Therefore, to  quality production and high levels of
          thanks to advances in customised hybrid  match the stiffness of aluminium, usu- repeatability. Pullwinding is particu-
          composites. When it comes to thin-wall  ally thicker tubes are needed, impacting  larly useful for manufacturing hybrid
          tubes for applications where stiffness  existing design specifications and reduc- composites because it allows for cross-
          and robustness requirements have gen- ing weight savings.              directional control of mechanical prop-
          erally favoured the use of metals because   Carbon fibre composites tick all the   erties and selective reinforcement of the
          of their high stiffness and relatively low   boxes in terms of mechanical properties.   thin-wall composite tubes, meaning
          price. Traditionally, composites have not   They are much lighter than metals and   there is no wasted material and costs
          been able to replace metals in these ap-  boast much higher stiffnesses, with ba-  are kept as low as possible. It does this
          plications because glass fibre composites,   sic carbon fibre tube having a stiffness   by combining the unidirectional align-
          while lighter, lack the necessary stiffness.   of 120 GPa and high-modulus carbon   ment of fibres with the helical winding
          Alternatively, carbon fibre composites,   fibre tube having stiffness up to 210   of reinforcements, resulting in the abil-
          while being mechanically suitable, may   GPa. However, carbon fibre composites   ity to control unidirectional fibres and
          be considered too expensive.       are also more expensive than metals,   helical winds, from a few degrees up to

          Generally, thin wall composites are  with solutions costing around five times   90  degrees.    Manufacturing  thin-wall
          anything with a thickness between 0.9  as much. This is where hybrid compos-  composite tubes is possible using other
          mm and 2 mm and are used for a va- ites come in, providing the best of both   manufacturing techniques, such as fila-
          riety of applications across many differ- worlds.                      ment winding, however these require
          ent industry sectors, including camera   Hybrid composites, a combination of   more manual steps and are more suited
          tripods, window cleaning poles, IMR   both glass and carbon fibres, allow man-  for thick tubes with large diameters.
          equipment, telescope poles, and camou-  ufacturers to tailor mechanical proper-  Furthermore, because they involve more
          flage support poles.               ties for any given application without   manual steps and smaller manufacturing
                                                                                 volumes, it is often the case that thin-
          Traditionally,  metals  such  as  alumini- changing the specified dimensions of   wall composite tubes manufactured us-
          um and steel are used in these applica- the tubes or poles by adjusting the ratio   ing filament winding are more expen-
          tions. Sustainability trends and light- of glass fibre to carbon fibre in the struc-  sive.  By working with an experienced
          weighting are pushing manufacturers  ture. For example, for window cleaning   and knowledgeable composites partner
          to improve operational efficiencies by  poles, a customer might require a pole   who understands your application’s re-
          reducing weight without sacrificing me- predominantly made from glass fibre for   quirements and operational challenges,
          chanical properties. Typically, we see this  cleaning two-story buildings but need   you can ensure you get the optimal so-
          is when composites are considered, and  something with a higher ratio of carbon   lution for any given application. Exel
          we are always asked how could compos- fibre, providing extra stiffness, for poles   Composites has over 40 years of indus-
          ites replace metals in these applications? intended for cleaning five-story build-  try experience manufacturing thin-wall

          Tunable mechanical properties      ings. This is a simple task for an expe-  composite tubes and can work with you
                                             rienced composites partner to produce
          For thin-wall tubes in industrial appli-  composites tailored for your specific ap-  to develop the optimal hybrid compos-
          cations, stiffness is a key consideration.   plication.                ite for your application, enabling you
          Aluminum,  which has been the  tradi-                                  to cost-efficiently reduce equipment
          tional material of choice for many, has   Benefits of volume pull-winding manu- weight without sacrificing mechanical
          a stiffness of 70 gigapascals (GPa). Glass   facturing                 performance.
          fibre, which is often the first choice for  For high volume cost-competitive com-

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