Page 44 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 44


                                                                                 platform; “The accumulation of plastic
          New Engineering Platform Takes Commercial Enzymatic                    in the environment is a major global
          Plastic Recycling A Step Forward                                       challenge. For this reason, we were keen

                                                                                 to use our enzyme evolution capabilities
                                                                                 to enhance the properties of plastic de-
                                                                                 grading enzymes to help alleviate some
                                                                                 of these problems.  We are hopeful that
                                                                                 in the future our scalable platform will
                                                                                 allow us to quickly develop new and
                                                                                 specific enzymes are suitable for use in
                                                                                 large-scale plastic recycling processes.”
                                                                                 To test their platform, they went on
                                                                                 to develop a new enzyme, HotPETase,
                                                                                 through the directed evolution of Is-
                                                                                 PETase. IsPETase is a recently discov-
                                                                                 ered enzyme produced by the bacte-
                                                                                 rium Ideonella sakaiensis, which can
                                                                                 use PET as a carbon and energy source.

              esearchers from the Manches- plastic recycling to be used widely   While IsPETase has the natural ability
          Rter Institute of Biotechnol- on a commercial scale, MIB says.         to degrade some semi-crystalline forms
          ogy (MIB) have developed a new     One challenge is that natural en-   of PET, the enzyme is unstable at tem-
          enzyme engineering platform aimed   zymes with the ability to break down   peratures above 40°C, far below desira-
          at improving plastic degrading en-  plastics typically are less effective and   ble process conditions. This low stabil-
          zymes through directed evolution.    are  unstable under the  conditions   ity means that reactions must be run at
                                                                                 temperatures below the glass transition
          To illustrate the utility of their platform,  needed for an industrial-scale process.  temperature  of  PET  (~65°C),  which
          they  have engineered  an enzyme  that   To address these limitations, in a paper  leads to low depolymerisation rates.
          can successfully degrade poly(ethylene)   released in Nature Catalysis, research-
          terephthalate (PET), the plastic   ers from The University of Manches-  To address this limitation, the team de-
          commonly  used  in  plastic  bottles.  ter have reported a new enzyme en-  veloped a thermostable enzyme, Hot-
                                                                                 PETase, which is active at 70°C, which
          MIB says that, in recent years, the enzy- gineering  platform  that can  quickly   is above the glass transition temperature
          matic recycling of plastics has emerged  improve the properties of plastic de-  of PET.  This enzyme can depolymerise
          as “an attractive and environmentally  grading enzymes to help make them   semi-crystalline PET more rapidly than
          friendly strategy to help alleviate the  more suitable for plastic recycling at   previously reported enzymes and can
          problems associated with plastic waste”. large scales. Their integrated and au-  selectively deconstruct the PET com-
          Although there are a number of ex-  tomated  platform  can  successfully as-  ponent of a laminated packaging ma-
          isting methods for recycling plas-  sess the plastic degradation ability of   terial, highlighting the selectivity that
          tics,  enzymes  could   potentially  around 1000 enzyme variants per day.  can be achieved by enzymatic recycling.
          offer a more “cost-effective and  The accumulation of plastic in the   Professor Anthony Green, Lecturer
          energy efficient alternative”, MIB says. environment is a major global chal-  in Organic Chemistry, said: “The de-
          It also says they could be used to se-  lenge. For this reason, we were keen   velopment of HotPETase nicely illus-
          lectively breakdown specific compo-  to use our enzyme evolution capa-  trates the capabilities of our enzyme
          nents of mixed plastic waste streams   bilities to enhance the properties of   engineering platform.  We are now
          that are currently difficult to re-  plastic degrading enzymes to help   excited to work with process engi-
          cycle using existing technologies.  alleviate some of these problems.  neers and polymer scientists to test

          There  are  considerable  hurdles  that   Dr Elizabeth Bell, who led the experi- our enzyme in real world applications.
          need to be overcome  for enzymatic   mental work at the MIB, says of the

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