Page 46 - Plastics News September 2022
P. 46


          Serious Ramifications On Imposition Of Mandatory                         Plastic Masterbatch De-
          Standard Certification Norms On Polymer Imports:                         mand  Will Rise to Al-
          Plastic Exporters                                                        most 5.5 Million Tons by


                                                                                       lobal demand for plastic mas-
                                                                                  Gterbatches is projected to reach
                                                                                  nearly 5.5 million tons by 2031, ac-
                                                                                  cording to a new study by Germany’s
                                                                                  Ceresana market research institute.
                                                                                  The third edition of Ceresana’s
                                                                                  global masterbatches study analyzes
                                                                                  projected masterbatch output in 16
             lastic exporters body Plexconcil  cessing industry will become uncom-  countries from 55 producers, in-
          Phas  urged  the  government  not  to  petitive,’’ the council’s chairman Arvind   cluding Avient, Global Colors, and
          impose mandatory standard certifica- Goenka told PTI. He said India is not   Americhem.
          tion norms on the import of polymers  yet self-reliant on polymers and its im-  About 1.4 million tons of white-pig-
          as it will have ‘’serious’’ ramifications  ports are inevitable. The imposition of   ment masterbatch were sold globally
          on the outbound shipments of the sec- this non-trade barrier will increase the   last year — primarily for use in toys,
          tor. India’s plastics exports have already  price  of  polymers  for  Indian  import-  electrical appliances, automotive
          recorded a contraction of 4.2 percent  ers, making domestic plastic processors   parts, furniture, and films. Titanium
          to USD 3.27 billion from April-June  uncompetitive, Goenka said. It will also   dioxide (TiO2) protects those prod-
          2022.  Polymers  like  PVC  (Polyvinyl  make it difficult for MSME players to   ucts from UV radiation.
          Chloride), Polypropylene, ABS (Acry- compete with imports of cheap finished   After  TiO2 masterbatches, color
          lonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene),  HDPE articles of plastics which will not be gov-  masterbatches including organic,
          (High-Density Polyethylene), LDPE  erned under any quality control order.   inorganic, and effect pigments were
          (Low-Density Polyethylene), LLDPE  Instead, he suggested that the govern-  the  most  prevalent,  followed  by
          (Linear Low-Density Polyethylene),  ment should impose mandatory BIS    black additives. Being highly resist-
          and Polycarbonate are key raw materi- norms on finished plastic goods as it will   ant to color changes and fading,
          als for the plastic industry. According to  ensure a ‘’good’’ quality product in the   industrial  carbon black is ideal  for
          the Plastic Export Promotion Council  hands of consumers.               technical polymers.
          (Plexconcil), the Department of Chemi- India’s plastic exports have grown from   Using 2021 as the base year for the
          cals wants to impose mandatory Bureau  a meager USD 16.5 million in 1955-  report, Ceresana found that global
          of Indian Standards (BIS) norms on  56 to as much as USD 13.4 billion in   demand for masterbatches  broke
          polymers.                          2021-22. Goenka said the industry    down as follows:
           ‘’This is very harmful to the plastic pro- needs support from the government as   34% white
          cessing industry as polymers are already  India’s share in the world export market   25% color
          in shortage in the country due to not  of plastics is even below that of Thai-  21% black
          enough production in the country and  land, Vietnam, and Malaysia.      20% additive
          imports are inevitable. Domestic pro-                                   In terms of applications, packaging
                                                                                  accounted for 36% of total demand
                                                                                  for masterbatches in 2021.

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