Page 30 - Plastics News September 2023
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Siemens, Together for Sustainability join forces on Product Carbon Footprint
secure and trusted fashion. This in-
formation can then be combined with
the data from a company’s own value-
creation processes to determine car-
bon footprints. Once companies have
determined their carbon footprints,
they can then take targeted reduction
measures with a quantifiable effect.
“Sigreen allows companies exchange
emissions data from their supply chain
securely and confidently. With this
information, they can make better
ogether for Sustainability (TfS) change of PCF data across the entire decisions to reduce their carbon foot-
Tis a global initiative that aims to industry is a crucial step towards the print,” said Busch.
promote sustainability in the chemi- decarbonisation of the sector.
cal industry’s supply chain. Founded As a leading technology company and Depending on the degree of vertical
in 2011, the initiative currently com- supplier of automation and industrial integration, the upstream supply chain
prises 47 international companies, in- software, Siemens will participate in accounts for up to 90 percent of emis-
cluding some of the largest chemical the pilot, using the learnings gener- sions, according to the CDP 2022
groups, seeking to assess, audit, and ated from the project to further its Global Supply Chain Report.“Sigreen
improve sustainability practices within expertise in this space. will equip us with the solution for em-
bedding our Product Carbon Foot-
their global supply chains. “The partnership with TfS is a major print Guideline in operations at scale.
TfS has now reached out to Siemens step for the global chemical industry. This will enable us to tackle the chem-
to collaborate on a pilot project de- We're helping an entire sector be- ical industry’s scope 3 challenge,” said
signed to demonstrate the scalabil- come more sustainable! This is a blue- Bertrand Conquéret, president of To-
ity of PCF data exchange across the print for other industries,” said Roland gether for Sustainability.
chemical industry using Siemen’s Si- Busch, president and CEO of Siemens
green emission management tool. AG. Sigreen is part of the open, digital
business platform Siemens Xcelera-
This tool connects companies with Sigreen allows the exchange of PCF tor.
all their suppliers. Scaling up the ex-
data throughout the data chain in a
3D printing ‘rebooting’ the boat industry
collaboration between Holland tion-wide call for projects in the field an autonomy system, electric propul-
A Shipyards Group, Roboat, 10XL, of autonomous passenger boats, de- sion, and a 3D printed hull made of
Transmare CirQlair and Sequana signed to showcase innovation during recycled material. Mooring and charg-
Développement, a Paris-headquar- the 2024 Paris Olympics and Paralym- ing will happen automatically. It will
tered company operating a fleet of pic Games. The partners' proposal, have a capacity for up to 35 people
river boats, is giving shape to a new which involved, creating the world’s and achieve Level 4 automation.
kind of waterborne transport. The largest printed autonomous ferry be- Roboat, a young Amsterdam-based
companies cooperated on an entry came one of the three winning entries start-up that builds autonomy sys-
for a competition launched by Voies selected. tems for inland waterway vessels is
Navigables de France, the country’s Their submission, a vessel that will supplying the autonomy system, while
navigation authority responsible for ferry passengers across the Seine Holland Shipyards Group is closely
the management of the majority of next summer, measures 9m by 3.90 collaborating with 10XL, an XL hy-
France's inland waterways network. m and combines an innovative design brid manufacturing service using end-
The competition consisted of a na- with sustainability. The craft features of-life, post consumer waste recycled
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