Page 31 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 31

mechanical properties, excellent pro-
                                                                                 cess  capabilities,  and ‘unsurpassed
                                                                                 circularity’, said Aarsen. The material
                                                                                 has been through rigorous quality and
                                                                                 performance assessments by multiple
                                                                                 institutes and 3D printing companies
                                                                                 confirming the mechanical properties,
                                                                                 processing properties, and flame re-
                                                                                 tardancy of the material. 10XL has al-
                                                                                 ready integrated r-UM3D into its pro-
                                                                                 duction processes, using it to create
                                                                                 boats, bridges, and street  furniture.
                                                                                 The new material has been hailed as a
                                                                                 ‘game-changer’ in the additive manu-
                                                                                 facturing industry, the company said.
                                                                                 Moreover,  the  low-emission  electri-
                                                                                 cally powered autonomous ferry also
                                                                                 provides a sustainable solution for re-
          plastics, to 3D print the ferry. Both  and build' circular hulls that 'serve as  ducing city congestion and emissions
          10XL and Holland Shipyards Group  the  foundation for electrical boats,  and help cities make better use of the
          are located in Hardinxveld-Giessen-  fully embracing eco-friendly solu-  waterways.
          dam - a shipbuilding industry hub in  tions’,  according to the  company’s  The ferry will be deployed on the
          the Netherlands. 10XL’s ‘reboot’ phi-  founders.                       Seine river in the summer of 2024, at
          losophy reflects its striving to recon-  Made from PCW obtained through a  a location that has not yet been an-
          figure  boat-building  practices  to  en-  reliable supply chain - namely, through  nounced, in the vicinity of the major
          able circular production. The mission   Umincorp Recycling's new Rotterdam  sporting events.
          of the company is to 'design, engineer,   plant -  r-UM3D offers outstanding

          AIMPLAS' BioICEP Project turns non-biodegradable plastics into new biobased

                                                                                 The  Plastics  Technology  Centre  has
                                                                                 applied methods based on micro-
                                                                                 waves and reactive  extrusion that
                                                                                 accelerate biodegradation of conven-
                                                                                 tional plastics.
                                                                                 The  goal of the  project  is to devel-
                                                                                 op sustainable and environmentally
                                                                                 friendly alternatives to traditional pe-
                                                                                 troleum-based plastics.
                                                                                 The project used a cascade process
                                                                                 by applying and combining chemical
                                                                                 and biological methods to turn fossil-
                                                                                 based plastic waste into natural, bio-
                                                                                 degradable substitutes to be used in
              IMPLAS has carried  out  thetic plastics into biodegradable        the packaging and pharma industries.
          Achemical  and biotechnologi-      bioplastics.
          cal pretreatments to turn syn-                                         The role of  AIMPLAS in the project

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          September 2023                                                                         PLASTICS NEWS
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