Page 54 - Plastics News September 2023
P. 54
KraussMaffei launches sales of large-scale 3D powerPrint printer
industry and quality standards’.
Themachine offers cost-effective pro-
duction of 3D objects through the use
of thermoplastic granulates and ex-
truder-based pressure build-up (noz-
zle area 2 to 20 mm). KraussMaffei
has applied its many years of expertise
in plastic and extrusion to developing
its new additive manufacturing tech-
The printer produces components
with dimensions of up to 2 m x 2.5
m x 2 m independently and without
manual intervention at a tempera-
ture of up to 350 °C. The parts are
removed from the machine from the
front through a door or by crane via
a folding roof in the heat-resistant
enclosure. Print jobs can be changed
he powerPrint additive manufac- the sale of the powerPrint machines. quickly thanks to vacuum-fixed print-
Tturing system from KraussMaffei. ing plates. A specially developed
With a volume of up to ten cubic me- human-machine interface ensures
At K2022 in October last year, Krauss- ters, the powerPrint is suitable for intuitive and simple operation of the
Maffei announced its entry into the creating moulds and tools, custom device.
world of additive manufacturing with packaging or even furniture. Since
the launch of two new 3D printing its introduction at K2022, it has been While the powerPrint is now available
systems: the precisionPrint stereo- successfully tested for a wide variety for purchase, KraussMaffei also offers
lithography machine for the produc- of fibre-reinforced and compounded a print-on-demand service as an al-
tion of detailed parts with high surface materials. ternative. According to the company,
quality, and the powerPrint designed According to Rolf Mack, vice presi- applications are designed according to
for large-format manufacturing. At dent Additive Manufacturing, the customer specifications and technical
that time, no date was given as to powerPrint is ready to produce cus- possibilities and then printed, with
when the machines would be avail- tom parts for the customer at the KraussMaffei also handling post-pro-
able for purchase. Today, however, customer's facility ‘with the highest cessing.
KraussMaffei announced the start of
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