Page 50 - Plastics News September 2023
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Resin Price Report: Supply Tightness Expected to Continue

             rime polyethylene (PE) and poly-  storm  veered  away from the  petro-  should grow over time.
          Ppropylene  (PP)  prices  held  flat  chemical  producing  part of the  Gulf   By design, this alternative demand for
          the week of Aug. 28, but maintained  Coast, where  much of the  nation's   North American commodity resins
          their upward bias. After a very strong  resin production is situated. How-  gives producers an excellent outlet for
          start to August, demand tapered off  ever, the threat remains for the next   the massive capacity expansions seen
          the second half of the month, reports  couple of months. Producers have   over the last seven years, according
          the  PlasticsExchange  in its  Market  nominated September price increases   to the  PlasticsExchange.  Aside  from
          Update. Availability also diminished,  for both PE and PP contracts:  They   soaking up surplus material,  Crude
          as  most  producers  sold out  of their  are logically in place during hurricane   Oil costs, which just reached the high-
          spot resin. Continued tightness is ex-  season, but could find favor regardless   est level since November 2022, have
          pected through September, caused in  of weather events as supply/demand   also  been  raising  the  floor  price  for
          part by unexpected outages as well as  dynamics  have  been  shifting  pricing   export resin as well as domestic resin.
          upcoming planned turnarounds.      power back to sellers.              The flood of well-priced North Amer-
          Relatively few fresh railcars were of-  Rapidly rising prices for Crude Oil, at  ican resin into higher cost regions has
          fered last week, though some wide-  the top of the supply chain for most  pressured local producers to throttle
          spec cars — mostly with undesirable  international PE and PP resins, has  back their operating rates to prevent
          specs — remained. Resellers  have  further lifted ethylene and propylene  oversupply  from developing,  notes
          also reduced their prompt availability:  prices  in  Asia,  which  are  now ap-  the  PlasticsExchange.  International
          Expecting a better flow of material in  proaching $0.40/lb. This upward cost  resin trade flow is being affected by
          August, some were caught short in  pressure  in  regions  outside  of cost-  other factors, too: major gridlock at
          filling and shipping railcars in a timely  advantaged  North  America,  which  the  Panama Canal  has caused  huge
          manner, leading to a bit of a run on  derives most of its feedstock ethylene  delays and the aforementioned high-
          packaged truckloads to satisfy supply  from natural gas liquid (NGL) streams,  er feedstock costs have also brought
          gaps, writes the PlasticsExchange.  and with the advent of propane dehy-  fewer Asian offers into Latin America,
          Gulf Coast dodges a bullet         drogenation (PDH) units, has enabled  causing these markets to look to the
                                             additional export sales at rising prices.  north for competitive supplies.
          The more active hurricane season
          has been keeping market participants   PE exports have now reached nearly  Spot PE resin availability thins
          on their toes, as Hurricane Idalia hit   50% of all producer sales, and PP ex-  Domestic PE trading was reduced as
          Florida. A bullet was dodged, as the   ports, while only around 5%, have   August came to a close.
                                             also been on an upward trend that

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