Page 41 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 41

A complete array of after sales services

                                                     GLOBAL REACH
                                                     Assured services by
                                                    experienced engineers

                            SUPPORT                                                EXPERT GUIDANCE |
                      Prompt response to                                           CONSULTATION
                      ensure hassle-free                                           Consultation on
                             operations                                            technology & product

                              SPARES                                               TECHNICAL TRAINING
                     Efficient spare parts                                         Training to improve
                   management for faster                                           productivity and lower
                               deliveries                                          operations cost

                                                    Smoother functioning
                                                    with higher up-time

                                                                                       KABRA EXTRUSIONTECHNIK LTD.
                                                                   Fortune Terraces, 10th Floor, B Wing, Link Road, Opp. City Mall,
                                                                           Andheri West, 400053, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India  SketchPlay Media
                                                              Website : | Contact : 91-22-26734822, 91-22-26734823
                                                                 Email : | CIN : L28900MH1982PLC028535

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