Page 46 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 46
Special polyamides for extrusion Performance Pipe’s
technology DriscoPlex® 4800 series
adiciGroup Performance Plastics, has introduced the erformance Pipe, a division of Chevron Phillips
RRadilon® product range, as well as techno-polymers PChemical Company LP, has unveiled a new
that offer improved resistance to high temperatures polyethylene (PE) pipe whose capabilities significantly
(Radilon® A HHR and Radilon® XTreme) and reinforced improve abrasion resistance in industrial and
materials for metal replacement (Radilon® A RW and energy applications such as mining, oil and gas
Radilon® S URV high fluidity), includes long-chain gathering, produced water, liners, power plants,
polyamides: Radilon® D based on PA 6.10 from partially dredging and pumping.
renewable sources, Radilon® DT based on PA 6.12 and
RADILON CD that are copolymers PA 6.10/6.6 also being Performance Pipe’s DriscoPlex® 4800 series PE
partially bio-based. These are polyamides with specific pipe is manufactured from high quality medium-
chemical-physical characteristics, whose properties can density polyethylene (MDPE) that conforms to
be adapted to suit the needs of the end customer. ASTM F714 and D3350. Testing has demonstrated
that Performance Pipe’s DriscoPlex® 4800 Series
Main Applications include: Personal Care, Monofilaments,
Packaging PA 6.12 is used in the personal care industry pipe provides at least 30% greater abrasion
(e.g. filaments used for toothbrushes or mascara applicators) resistance compared to other High-Density
thanks to its bend recovery characteristics, flexibility polyethylene (HDPE) pipes tested, translating
and chemical to longer service life in these application areas.
re sist a n ce . It is more than four times as resistant to slow crack
When properly
formulated with
this polyamide
can also be
used in pipe
(e.g. petrol ducts, oil & gas and air pipes) where, in
addition to the chemical and mechanical resistance, the
final product transparency is valued in respect to those
manufactured with traditional polyamides (PA 6 PA 66). PA
6.10 is usually used for the production of monofilaments
for industrial applications, for example, in Paper Machine
Clothing (PMC), thanks to its unique chemical resistance
and (bend recovery characteristic which increase its
durability; alternatively, it can be used for manufacturing growth compared to the PE4710 requirement,
pipes suitable for transporting petrol in fuel lines, mainly and offers less stiffness and greater ductility.
for its inherent burst strength. Combined with reduced weight, this aids in
field handing/installation. DriscoPlex® 4800
Copolymers 6.10/6.6 are ideally suited for manufacturing series MDPE pipe is available in a full range
packaging, films and wraps, also for the food industry where of sizes, pressure capabilities, molded and
transparency, thermoformability and water vapor barrier fabricated fittings.
properties are required.
Plastics News | April 2017 46