Page 43 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 43


          Wadia Group buys Belgium-                              Sabic and Sinopec to explore new
          based Solvay's 25% stake in  petrochemical projects in JV

          National Peroxide                                         abic and Sinopec have signed a strategic agreement

                                                                 Sto study opportunities  for joint projects  in Saudi
             he Wadia Group has agreed to purchase additional    Arabia and China. Under the agreement, signed on March
          T25.1 percent stake in National Peroxide Ltd (NPL)     16, 2017, the largest Saudi and Chinese petrochemical
          from  its  JV  partner  Solvay  SA,  the  Belgium-based   companies are planning - for the first time  to study a
          manufacturer of specialty chemicals & polymers. With   joint venture with Chinese investment in Saudi Arabia.
          this  deal,  Wadia  Group  will  consolidate  its  holding  in   “This is an opportunity for both parties to build on
          NPL to over 70 percent. National Peroxide is the largest   their historic
          domestic producer of hydrogen peroxide, having an all   cooperation.
          India market presence and significant market share of   The Chinese
          close to 45 percent. In addition to hydrogen peroxide,   ma rk e t  h a s
          NPL also manufactures sodium perborate and per         always been a
          acetic acid.  Having its manufacturing unit located at   key pillar of our
          Kalyan, near Mumbai, NPL is the largest single location   sales over the
          hydrogen peroxide manufacturer in India and has a fully   last 30 years.
          integrated manufacturing facility, employing ultra-    Today, we are
          modern ‘auto oxidation’ technology. Solvay holds 25.1   e n t e rin g a
          percent in National Peroxide, which it acquired indirectly   turning point in our strategic relationship and building on
                                        through the acquisition   previous successes, such as studying the establishment
                                        of Interox Coordination   of a  coal-to-chemicals  petrochemicalcomplex  with
                                        more than 20 years ago.   China’s Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group. We hope
                                        It also had a technology   these successes  continue  through  strategic  projects
                                        tie-up with NPL in the   that contribute to the Saudi and Chinese leaders’ plans
                                        past which has since     and meet the aspiration of their peoples,” said Yousef
                                        been fully absorbed      Al-Benyan, vice chairman and CEO, Sabic
                                        and discontinued.        The agreement also seeks to explore opportunities
                                        NPL wa s join t ly       for further investments at the existing joint venture
                                        promoted in 1956 by      SinopecSabic Tianjin Petrochemical Company (SSTPC)
                                        the  flagship  company   that will contribute to industrial development in the
                                        o f   Wadia  Gr o up     two countries, allowing them to manufacture more
                                        -Bombay Burma Trading    high-quality products and open the way for expanding
          Corporations Ltd (BBTCL) and Laporte Industries,       integrated cooperation that supports long-term
          UK. Subsequently, Solvay joined hands with Laporte     development plans. The agreement studies joint venture
          in 1970 and formed a joint venture company -           petrochemical projects in China and Saudi Arabia, which
          Interox Coordination, which it acquired in 1972 and    target downstream key markets, such as automotive,
          thus inherited 25.1 percent stake owned by Laporte     electronics, lighting, and building and construction,
          Industries  in  NPL.  NPL,  presently,  under  management   packaging, and medical equipment. The agreement
          control  of  the  Wadia  Group,  is  the  largest  domestic   covers strategic projects that allow Sabic to continue
          producer  of  hydrogen  peroxide, with  current  capacity   its historic participation in China’s growth and serve
          of 95,000 MTPA, against the aggregate domestic         global growth as a whole. The agreement is a boost to
          manufacturing  capacity  of  2,19,500  MTPA  and  current   Sabic's efforts to achieve its 2025 strategy in line with
          demand of about 285,000 MTPA.                          Saudi 2030 goals.

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