Page 48 - Plastics News April 2017
P. 48
Sabic introduces High performance engineering thermoplastics
ABIC is introducing a fourth grade of ULTEM foam, designers – in order to get their feedback as we move
Scalled ULTEM XP050, as a complement to its ULTEM forward in developing tools that will help designers achieve
foam series. This latest addition is lighter their objectives,” Lori said. The capabilities of SABIC’s
than ever, at a weight of just 50 kg/m3 (3.1 aircraft-specific materials can further inspire designers
lb/ft3). The new grade can be considered to take bold leaps in their thinking, while also having
as a core for sandwich construction, as it full confidence in the “fly-ability” of their designs from
is compatible with thermosets and metal a compliance perspective. “We want designers to have a
laminates. Potential uses include ceiling tool that helps them to make color, material, and finish
panels, sidewalls, storage bins and other decisions more quickly and easily, so their feedback will be a
applications where lightweight, compliant critical component for the next stage of development ” Lori
structures are needed. The ULTEM XP050 foam meets OSU added As airlines seek the opportunity to reduce weight,
<55/55 and is available in thicknesses from 3 mm to 30 differentiate their brands, minimize costs and enhance
mm. New on the SABIC’s stand is the Digital Design Lab, their customers’ flying experiences, they look for versatile
a prototype of a digital capability that can help enable materials, creative design options and global support from
designers explore four different design themes, with suppliers who understand these desired outcomes. These
functionality to apply various trends in color, materials, offerings include a range of high performance engineering
textures and finishes utilizing swatches of SABIC aircraft- thermoplastics in a number of forms – resin, sheet, film
compliant materials in a virtual design environment. “We and foam – that are compatible with a range of processing
are looking forward to sharing our design tool concept techniques such as injection molding, thermoforming, and
with attendees at the show – particularly aircraft interior additive and composite manufacturing.
Gearbox For Co-Rotating Twin-Screw Extruder
Co-Rotating Gearbox - ZT Range with transmissible torque density up to 14 Nm/cm3 per shaft.
he gearbox of the ZT RANGE are designed for a wide Co-Rotating Gearbox - TST –HD SERIES (High Density)- This
Trange of applications and requirements starting from new series at the top level worldwide, which is able to
the typical applications for revolutions of 300 to max. 900 support torque densities of more than 18 Nm/cm3 per
rpm. To where lower revolution rates from 25 to max. shaft, at present is under development. For any sizes
200rpm. (ZT2, ZT3 Series) are required. already available please consult Zamindia Office.
The range is available for Examples of Application:
centre distance from 24mm Compounding (Granulates)
to 200mm. On request, also Masterbatching ( Colour Powders)
bigger versions can be built.
Foamed Items (Polystyrene)
Co-Rotating Gearbox - Cast Films of thermoforming (foodstuff bowls)
TST SERIES – Due to those
manufactures who need to increase the power rates of Recycling of plastic materials
co-rotation twin screw extruders, the TST (Twin Super Foostuff
Torque) Series is provided with a torque distribution (Pringles, energy bars, animal foodstuff, croquettes)
system, which is able to ensure a considerable increase ZAMINDIA (Zambello India Sales & Service Office)
of the output revs. (up to 1800 rpm.) and of transmissible MANISH SANANDIYA-CEO
torque density (up to 16 Nm/cm3 per shaft). Mobile: +91 9925835500
The dimensions of the gearboxes of the TST range available E-mail:
at present go from centre distances of 20mm to 120mm. C/602, Riddhi Tower, Nr. Lotus School, Jodhpur,
However, at the moment bigger sizes are planned. Satellite, Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat. India
Plastics News | April 2017 48