Page 23 - Plastics News April 2022
P. 23

‘Building India’s Recycling Infrastructure’

                                             Dr. Sheikh Nayeem, Director of Energy  dra Mission 2.0 was launched to make
                                             & Sustainability, California State Uni- the state litter & garbage free. About 79
                                             versity, USA gave a formula that waste  ULBs are having material recovery facili-
                                             can be managed by refusing, reducing,  ties where recyclable plastic & recycled
                                             reusing, recycling, increasing awareness,  waste will be separated. The non-recycla-
                                             education  &  outreach.  Awareness  edu- ble waste will go to the cement plants for
                                             cation & outreach is very important in  co-insulation & bio-waste will go to the
                                             the waste management industry. Dr. Mi- composting plants.
               e Care with The Policy Times had   chikazu Kojima, Research Fellow, ERIA   Mr. Mathew Jose, Founder & CEO, Pa-
          Wrecently organized  a WeCare Pol-  & Ex-Chief Senior Researcher Institue   perman said that all the informal sector
          icy Dialogue Series on ‘Building India’s   for  Development  Economics-JETRO,   has over the years played a key role in
          Recycling Infrastructure’. The second   Japan said that the Japanese govern-  creating a value system for higher-value
          Regional  Conference  –  Southern  India   ment tries to stimulate investment in the   plastics. This ecosystem is a very strong
          of the  WeCare Policy Dialogue Series   recycling industries to specify kind of   infrastructure in the country. Mr. Ash-
          was scheduled on Friday 11th March   Recycling industrial Park. The local gov-  ish Jain, Director of, Indian Pollution
          2022 where 500 industry leaders from   ernment support national government   Control Association remarked that waste
          SPCBs, ULBs, Industry, NGOs, Brands,   support to develop the industrial park   management is a more social issue rather
          Institutions from across the country par-  for recycling.              than a technical issue. It involved various
          ticipated. The successful launch was in  Mr. Saurabh Palsania, Ex. Director,  components from the collection, segre-
          presence of Hon’ble Mayor of Greater  Dalmia Cement(Bharat) Ltd. remarked  gation, transportation then recycling &
          Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation  that his company is processing an overall  finally disposal. Since waste is being gen-
          (GVMC)  Visakhapatnam Smt. Gola- waste of 70 thousand tonnes per month  erated by the people.
          gani Hari Venkata Kumari, Dr. Sheikh  across the 10 states & out of that 25-30   Mr. Kamal Sharma, CEO of,  WeCare
          Nayeem, Director of Energy & Sustain- thousand tonnes is plastic. Mr. Amren-  expressed that the MLP which is used
          ability, California State University, USA,  dra Kumar,  Vice President, Ramky &   by various organizations offers various
          Dr. Michikazu Kojima, Research Fellow,  Whole Time Director Ramky-ARM said   benefits for food safety. Over the last 4-5
          ERIA  &  Ex-Chief  Senior  Researcher  that they operate two plastic-based waste   years, it has positioned itself as a revenue
          Institute for Development Economics- energy plants in Hyderabad &  Delhi,   model for the people who are engaged in
          JETRO, Japan.                      three more under construction in Hy-  collecting the MLP and analyzing it for
          In the inaugural session, Smt. Golagani   derabad, Mumbai & Rewa & two more   co-processing or waste to energy. They
          Hari Venkata Kumari, Hon’ble mayor of   of which recently got sanctioned by the   need to be mindful of all the technologi-
          Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Cor-  government.                      cal side but also on the social aspects that
          poration (GVMC) Visakhapatnam said  Shri Jyothish Chandran G, Director  how the society is reacting to it whether
          that under the Clean Andhra Pradesh  (SWM), SUCHITWA MISSION, Local  the society engages in waste segregation
          mission, GVMC plans to set up 225  Self Government Department, Govern- and that is the foundation of their busi-
          waste transfers at ULB.  Andhra Pradesh  ment of Kerala said that  Suchitwa Mis- ness models of the waste management
          government banned single-use plastic as  sion deals with non-binary wastes such  system.  Mr. Paras Gupta,  Director EPR
          well as Green Tax. The online waste ex- as plastic & other NBI items. They col- & Sustainability, GEM Enviro Manage-
          change website of Andhra Pradesh leads  lect these plastic wastes from the houses  ment Pvt Ltd mentioned that as a Gem
          to 100% safe disposal of waste, tracking,  themselves and segregate the wastes &  Enviro also & other WMAs, PRO, they
          verification & inspections of toxic waste.  transfer them to the next higher level.  are trying their best to segregate to make
          The government also has come down  Shri Chenchugarla Krishnamoorthy,  the quality that the recycling industry
          heavily on marine. Some scuba drivers  Senior Environmental Engineer Andhra  needs. And then provide them with the
          are engaged in collecting plastic waste  Pradesh Pollution Control Board stated  regular supply needs.
          from the oceans.                   that in Andhra Pradesh, the Swachan-

                                                  23  PLASTICS NEWS  April 2022
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