Page 24 - Plastics News April 2022
P. 24


                                  The Neeman’s - The ‘Most Promising Startup’

          Shoe aficionados Taran Chhabra and Amar Preet Singh turn to recycling for their venture Neeman’s with personal quest
          to find an all-purpose all-day shoe with recycled tyres and over 1 million PET bottles. They were recently awarded the
          ‘most promising startup’ of the year
                                             of it.  When we entered the footwear  “I wanted to develop a footwear brand
                                             industry we wanted to keep this as the  that could also boast of its sustainabil-
                                             core of Neeman’s.  Traditionally, shoes  ity,” he says. Thus started the journey of
                                             are constructed using plastic, toxic dyes,  Neeman’s. In December 2018 the brand
                                             leather from animal skin, and contami- came into being. Interestingly, the brand
                                             nated synthetic materials that are harm- name, Neeman’s, is a combination of
                                             ful to the environment. With Neeman’s,  the founder’s parents’ names — Neelam
                                             we didn’t want to add to the already ex- and Manjeet.
                                             isting pollution caused by the sector and,   Taran, founder and CEO of Neeman’s
                                             therefore, we decided to bring a change   leads R&D to launch some unique and
                                             by opting for materials that would re-  unexplored fibres such as Merino Wool,
                                             duce carbon footprints,” says Taran.  Recycled PET bottles in the Indian
                                             In 2016, while planning a trip to Spain,  footwear industry while Amar is the co-
            t takes more than 9,000 litres of wa-  Taran found himself carrying an entire  founder and COO at Neeman’s All the
          Iter to make one pair of leather shoes.   suitcase just dedicated to various shoes.  sneakers use varied fabrics, all of which
          While on average, a family of four uses   “I had packed more than a couple of  are renewable  or eco-friendly, and  in
          a little over 500 litres of water each day   pairs of shoes for different purposes and  case it’s neither, the company converts
          for their various uses. These statistics and   occasions. On top of all this one extra  them into sustainable components .Ex-
          numbers do not cross our minds as of-  pair in case something happened to any  plaining this, Amar says, “For instance,
          ten as they should.If you have more than   of the others I was carrying. This led to  materials such as Merino Wool, recycled
          two pairs of shoes, then you have just   searching for one pair that would suffice   PET bottles, recycled tyres and natu-
          contributed to using more than 18,000                                  ral cotton are used to make shoes. The
          litres of water, which was used to get   all my needs.”                use of planet-friendly material was only
          them made. While the Indian footwear  But, he couldn’t find one. This led Taran   possible by blending it well with inno-
          market is flooded with both domestic  to speak to people in the US and India   vation; hence, sustainability and novelty
          and international brands, not many are  to understand what stopped them from   became the driving force behind the
          focussed on building a brand based on  carrying only one pair of shoes. “The   brand.  Furthermore,  all  the  materials
          sustainability. Neeman’s is India’s first  underlying thread that came forth in all   used from the uppers, insoles, soles to
          footwear brand that uses natural, renew- these conversations was comfort. People   packaging,  are  high-quality  and  eco-
          able, recycled and biodegradable fibres in  were looking for comfortable shoes that   friendly.”
          its shoes.                         they could use throughout the day,” he

          Established in December 2018 by shoe   says.                           However Finance was not that easy. To
          aficionados  Taran Chhabra and Amar  This seemed like a huge problem and   establish a brand in an already over-
          Preet Singh, Neeman’s was born out of a  the  duo  decided  to  come  together  to   crowded market was not easy. “Raising
                                                                                 capital in the initial phase came with its
          personal quest to find an all-purpose all- try and solve it. They decided to bridge   challenges as the overall footwear mar-
          day shoe. The brother duo who have re- this gap by manufacturing comfortable   ket of $10.6 billion in 2019 was already
          cycled over 1 million plastic bottles into  footwear for all-day wear, but with the
          shoes to date.                     added attribute  of making them  eco-  crowded with both established and non-
                                                                                 branded  products.  But  with  growth
          Neeman’s creates sustainable shoes using  friendly. Taran describes himself as the   predicted at $15.5 billion by 2022, and
          Merino wool, recycled tyres and PET  person who meticulously looks at the   India expected to grow eight folds by
          bottles. “We are both not just believers  nutritional label before consuming any   2030, the space was ready for additional
          in sustainability but also active advocates  product.                  players,” says Taran.

                                                 24  PLASTICS NEWS  April 2022
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