Page 25 - Plastics News April 2022
P. 25

Neeman’s raised $1M of funding in  the product directly.               dia,” says Amar. Having worked exten-
          their seed round from Anicut Capital   Taran went on to say Neeman’s has been   sively with merino wool, the company
          in March 2020 and subsequently raised   well-accepted by the customers and is   has now started using cotton blended
          another round of capital from Sixth   regarded as the pioneer in creating the   with other recycled material. A natural
          Sense  Ventures in August 2021, and   ‘sustainable footwear’ category in India.   rubber sole has also been added to make
          in November 2021, Stride Ventures, a   “We have seen a 15X growth in just the   it completely made-in-India. “We also
          leading venture debt firm in India, also   last 12 months of business and sold over   pride ourselves on being the first Indi-
          came in as an investor with Rs 7 crore   3 lakh pairs in three years,” adds Taran.   an brand to make sneakers that can be
          inflow.                            Adding to this, Amar says, “We were   worn both in summer and winter with-
          “These investments demonstrate sup- recently awarded the ‘most promising   out socks. The shoes don’t just regulate
          port for our vision and product portfo- startup’ in the  Telangana Region and   temperature but also adapt to your skin
          lio. We are geared to scale new heights  with Startup of the year by Small Busi-  and outside temperature,” says Taran.
          by further strengthening our commit- ness Awards 2022. We aim to continue  All the innovations made by the com-
          ment to the planet by continuing to  pushing the boundaries and staying true  pany are geared towards achieving 100
          launch innovative fabrics.  We already  to their ethos.”               per cent customer satisfaction, says
          have an impressive unisex line of four   In 2021, the company introduced its   Amar. “We want each customer to feel
          fabrics — Merino Wool, Natural Cot-  first completely made in India prod-  a sense of pride and immense comfort
          ton, Recycled PET bottles and Recycled   uct called Eco-flip (slippers). “Building   when they buy and use our product. We
          Tyres,” says Amar.                 a sustainable supply chain within the   have had Harsh Mariwala of the Marico
          A few things that the brand has con- footwear ecosystem in India was the   group tweet about our products saying
          sciously focussed on include adopting  driving force behind this.  We wanted   our shoes are the best and most com-
          a Direct to Consumer (D2C) route,  to resolve very specific pain points that   fortable pair of shoes he’s ever owned.”
          and the launch via their website, which  our customers were facing and therefore  “These are all small victories that keep us
          made it easy for customers to purchase  started looking for vendors within In- going,” he adds.

                    Lossless Recycling of E-Waste Into Additive Manufacturing Powders

          The method requires no heat, no induction and no chemicals; the result is a one-to-one relationship between the input
          and the output for most materials.  incinerated, becoming lost forever. Re- od requires no heat, no induction and
                                             cycling efforts thus far have focused pri- no chemicals; the result is a one-to-one
                                             marily on these most valuable elements  relationship between the input and the
                                             and on recapturing them as quickly as  output for most materials.
                                             possible and with the least amount of   “The effort is high, but the output is
                                             effort, even if that means creating pollu-  very satisfying.” That output is high-
                                             tion, losing other materials and degrad-  quality, consistent and valuable materi-
                                             ing the recaptured ones in the process.  als suitable for laser powder bed fusion
               any of the electronics and electri- Reco E-Waste takes a different approach  (LPBF), one of the most flexible manu-
          Mcal components that make mod- aimed at less harmful and more com- facturing processes currently available.
          ern life possible and comfortable — lap- plete recycling. The Munich, Germany- But the end result is also sustainable and
          tops, smartphones, car batteries — are  based company (part of Reco Ventures)  conflict-free as it comes from secondary
          dependent on a handful of valuable ma- has developed what it says is a lossless  sources — an important point in efforts
          terials. When one of these items returns  process  for  recapturing  precious  and  to localize supply chains, reduce reliance
          to a recycling facility at the end of its  rare-earth materials and transforming  on material sources abroad, and avoid
          life, the copper, gold, silver and maybe  them into high-purity feedstock, in- contributing to human rights violations
          a few other precious metals will be har- cluding very fine and consistent powder  in nations that have traditionally mined
          vested from the device before the rest is  for additive manufacturing. The meth- these materials.

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