Page 44 - Plastics News April 2023
P. 44
Technology Innovation Institute to host 2nd 'Additive Manufacturing the
Future' seminar in Abu Dhabi
Research Centre, will headline the
opening session on "Unlocking the po-
tential in laser powder bed fusion ad-
ditive manufacturing". Josefine Lissner,
CEO and Founder of Leap 71, UAE,
and Lin Kaiser, Founder of Hyper-
ganic, will follow her with a session
titled "Creating the Physical Future of
Humankind through Computational
Engineering and Integrated Digital
Manufacturing - or - From code to
Among the other eminent speakers
confirmed to attend the seminar are
Wesley Cantwell, Professor, Aero-
nautics and Astronautics at Khalifa
University, Aijun Hwang, Director,
Monash Centre for Additive Manu-
ollowing the huge success of its the critical challenges and opportu- facturing, Federico Bosio, Senior
Finaugural seminar last year, the nities for the industry and discuss Researcher, AMRC, TII, and Markus
Technology Innovation Institute (TII), emerging trends that are shaping and Glassner, Senior Vice President -
a leading global scientific research empowering this burgeoning sector. EMEA at EOS Global. Daniel France,
centre and the applied research pillar Additive manufacturing, also com- Global Sales and Business Develop-
of Abu Dhabi's Advanced Technology monly referred to as 3D printing, has ment Director, BEAMIT SPA, Pawan
Research Council (ATRC), has an- recently become a top contender Kumar Chandana, Co-founder, Sky-
nounced that the Additive Manufac- among traditional advanced manufac- root Aerospace, and Dr. Alberto Bor-
turing team within its Advanced Ma- turing technologies in sectors includ- din, Additive Manufacturing Technical
terials Research Centre (AMRC), will ing aerospace, automotive, space, Lead at ASTM Centre of Excellence,
host a second edition of the "Additive biomedical, oil & gas, and tooling, will also host dedicated sessions. Bar-
Manufacturing the Future" seminar among others. rie Finnin, CTO and General Manager
this year. of AMAERO Additive Manufactur-
The robust seminar agenda will span
The seminar in its second year is four significant topics - design for ad- ing Australia, a company that is part-
poised to become an annual fixture ditive manufacturing, materials for ad- nering with a UAE-based entity to
for Abu Dhabi's manufacturing sector ditive manufacturing and their sustain- strengthen the AM landscape here, is
and will take place on April 27 at the ability, manufacturing processes and also slated to present a session titled
W Hotel, Abu Dhabi. post-processing, and lastly, industry "Understanding the cost drivers of
Additive Manufacturing the Future applications of additive manufacturing Metal AM".
2023 will bring together global addi- that include successful and impactful Speaking on the expectations from the
tive manufacturing and 3D printing use cases, standardization, certifica- upcoming seminar, Nesma Aboulkhair
experts, industry giants, and relevant tion, and IP issues related to additive said, "Additive manufacturing is a
stakeholders for a comprehensive manufacturing. relatively new entrant on the UAE's
dialogue and expert-level networking Nesma Aboulkhair, Director, Additive manufacturing landscape and such
on various breakthrough technologies Manufacturing, Advanced Materials events expand our understanding of
in the field. The seminar will highlight this unique and fast-paced discipline.
44 PLASTICS NEWS April 2023